Why Does An Electric Kettle Cost 2 1/2 Times More Here?

True, but usually small items like electric kettles will last for many years elsewhere. Here you must replace them frequently.

Not in the US. At least not anymore. It's hard to find quality kitchen anything these days. A lot of the traditional "brand names" were bought out and the products replaced with the same cheap crap. All-clad, Pyrex, and Hamilton Beach are three among many.
Our Philips kettle has lasted around 2 years. It leaks, the ping noise has long gone and the button no longer switches off manually and you need to wait for it to decide that the water has boiled.

I hope to keep it going for another year before finally giving up. :lol:
Think about how import restrictions boost the price of domestic goods. It I can make a kettle for $5 but the foreign kettles cost $20, why would I sell my kettle for $5. I'll sell it for $15.
Think about how import restrictions boost the price of domestic goods. It I can make a kettle for $5 but the foreign kettles cost $20, why would I sell my kettle for $5. I'll sell it for $15.

or alternatively I'll sell my kettle for $40 and make sure no one can import those foreign kettles.
I think part of the reason is, apart from import duties and taxes,that logistics is non existing in this country,for instance a ton of grain trucked from up north(Salta,Formosa)to BsAs cost more than a ton of grain shipped from BsAs to europe and if you pay attention out on the road you will see a bunch of trucks returning empty(dead miles )which makes trucking very expensive or any other kind of transport,
I think establishing a broker type of dispatch would make wonders in keeping the costs down and i believe the reason this is not done is because large trucking firms don't want to get involved and network among themselves plus the general lack of knowledge on this matter by those who are suposed to regulate it
I think part of the reason is, apart from import duties and taxes,that logistics is non existing in this country,for instance a ton of grain trucked from up north(Salta,Formosa)to BsAs cost more than a ton of grain shipped from BsAs to europe

That's pretty normal and not unique to Argentina. Sea transport is incredibly efficient compared to land transport.
Shouldn't they start thinking about shipping via river boat or barges then?Imagine you could ship stuff from Tierra del Fuego to BsAs much cheaper using coastline transit.....or finding ways to navigate all the rivers from up north which most of them end up in delta?As i said before lack of knowledge and i must add imagination
Most electric kettles, if not all of them in fact, are made in China and naturally there are levels of quality.
I have a Swan electric kettle which is 15 years old and has travelled with me by land and sea and is still going strong in my shop.
I'm a sentimentalist.
Down here, the choice is limited to a few middle of the road models and we've been through at least three in 8 years.
Check out the choice at Swan UK, where they have around 120 kettles available:
Isn't choice a wonderful thing?
Shouldn't they start thinking about shipping via river boat or barges then?Imagine you could ship stuff from Tierra del Fuego to BsAs much cheaper using coastline transit.....or finding ways to navigate all the rivers from up north which most of them end up in delta?As i said before lack of knowledge and i must add imagination

Or reopen the trains for freight...