Why expats doesnt like get in love or get an argie partner?

tomdesigns said:
Yes.. in a cafe. We are from very different worlds but we are true soul mates.

That's all that matters. Congratulations!
Christ, I came here thinking it would be great to find a local Argentinian girlfriend, and yet the more I hear the more concerned about that idea I become...

The whole "hysteria" thing, too many people have mentioned it, most of them locals.

I would love to meet a gorgeous, smart local woman... but I don't want to be in fear of my life and/or sanity!!
deeve007 said:
but I don't want to be in fear of my life and/or sanity!!

And you came to BA? Leave before you get yourself killed, you crazy bastard!!!

Kidding... :D
You should see the looks on "locals" faces when they see my partner and I somewhere. Oh yeah, he's asian and I am a gringo. They are not ready for mixing races yet and probably never will be. Too bad!
I'm kinda curious.....are there many Asians in BA? or blacks? Just curious.
I have dated Argentine men and I know plenty of other foreigners who do as well.

However, I think the reason that it might not seem as common is because sometimes Argentines can seem a little uninterested in meeting foreigners. They are not rude, but Argentines often have friends that they have known since they were 5 years old, they just are not as interested in meeting new friends or people to date.

I am a little embarassed by the expats who have mocked this person´s English. I speak Spanish fluently but we all make mistakes and I think it is rather rude to make fun of this person.
stefano said:
I'm kinda curious.....are there many Asians in BA? or blacks? Just curious.
Oh hell no! (except for the supermercados -LOL) My best friends in California are a mixed couple (white/black) Talk about turning heads here. In Buenos Aires you hardly see a mixed couple Argie/Peruvian or Argie/Bolivia. Why is that? Are they better or do they think that they better than people from other South American countries. Very sad. Maybe they are seeking pure blood like in Germany during the war. Take a look at Russell Crowes' statement -"Circumcision is barbaric and stupid. Who are you to correct nature? Is it true that God needs you donate your foreskin ? Babies are right ". Is he Argentinian?
cruizes said:
Oh hell no! (except for the supermercados -LOL) My best friends in California are a mixed couple (white/black) Talk about turning heads here. In Buenos Aires you hardly see a mixed couple Argie/Peruvian or Argie/Bolivia. Why is that? Are they better or do they think that they better than people from other South American countries. Very sad. Maybe they are seeking pure blood like in Germany during the war. Take a look at Russell Crowes' statement -"Circumcision is barbaric and stupid. Who are you to correct nature? Is it true that God needs you donate your foreskin ? Babies are right ". Is he Argentinian?

This talk about Russell Crowes' foreskin has me shaking in my boots.

As far as Argentine superiority goes, my ancestors made a stop in Buenos Aires before migrating to California many years ago and recently, I mentioned this to a Cuban woman who immediately started in on bashing everything Argentine. I didn't engage in her lambasting figuring that she must have been harboring some kind of jealously. I mean really, was her animosity grounded in rational thought? Or perhaps, she didn't like my paella? Don't know the answer. Maye someone else does.
It depends, how good or bad your paella was?

But by being a Cuban or Cuban American and probably from Miami surroundings she surely is connected to the Cuban community over there, most of them or their parents flew from Cuba when the revolution was nearly over and remember that one of the revolutionaries who fought along Fidel was the legendary 'Che' Guevara, an Argentine. So her hate for everything with an Argentine name is somehow justified and it could very well come from this character, or maybe your paella really tasted very bad and she need to tell you that codified so you don't get offended, who knows.

And yes, no doubt about it, Argies are a superior bunch of Aryan race mongrel's by divine intervention of the Graf Spee sinking.