I doubt anyone here will care, but this thread is timely enough. I bought several boxes of Heredia brand "Pu erh" tea on sale, and even gave one to my Chinese doctor (from China). When I ran out of my stash from Chinatown, I tried this tea, and it's nothing like Pu Erh at all! I checked on the box, and sure enough, it's from Argentina (I assumed the "Industria Argentina" meant that loose leaves were imported and then bagged here).
I called the company to complain and the manager would not budge! They said "It IS Pu Erh tea, it says right on the box" and "Red tea IS Pu Erh tea, and this one is from San Juan"... Seriously. We argued for 5 or 10 minutes, it was absurd! I told her that 1 minute on Google would show her that she was wrong, but you know how it is to argue with people here most of the time... The total lack of shame is the worst part, I think. I feel for the people who buy it for health reasons, without knowing that they are being duped.
On another note, I caught a professor here at the UBA plagiarizing the entirety of his slides from the internet and passing it off as his original work! The hilarious part is that he'd spend a good portion of the class bitching about the US, and how Americans are all so stupid etc... and the original text was written by an American (it was already translated into Spanish, he didn't even do that part himself), from my university no less!