Will expats be returning to USA thanks to Obama?


Mar 25, 2007
Now that Obama has been elected, will expats be returning to the US? With the US safe from fascism, will there big a big exodus?
My return was always contingent on an Obama win. I know it is not a stop-gap for our problems and there will be no instant fixes, but I will be heading back December 19 to hopefully help rebuild my country.
sergio said:
Now that Obama has been elected, will expats be returning to the US? With the US safe from fascism, will there big a big exodus?

It pleases you to jest with us. Nothing has changed. Here is Ralph Nader's opinion (I also saw him just a few minutes ago on the Russian network).
I'm guessing that gay ones won't. There were some resounding defeats (Florida y California) that are depressing people I know in the States.
We will not be returning either. My question for about California, how is the overturn of gay marriage going to affect those who are already married?
That is a really interesting article by Nader, Wolf. I wonder why he focused so much on Palestinian rights and not some of the other issues such as Obama's strong corporate ties.
I have been asked that question at least 5 times since last night.
sergio said:
That is a really interesting article by Nader, Wolf. I wonder why he focused so much on Palestinian rights and not some of the other issues such as Obama's strong corporate ties.

There's a three-part video here, Sergio, with Nader talking not just on Obama's corporate ties but also about what a gutless coward Obama really is. A key point I should hasten to make is that were Obama not a gutless coward, he would not have won the presidency. In a political duopoly orchestrated from on high by corporate interests, only an appeaser and accommodater can survive.

It will be amusing to watch Obama back-pedaling on the vague half-promises he's made. The process has in fact already started: an article in The Times here; and an interesting piece of analysis in the FT here.

I'm not blaming Obama for what he is; I'm blaming an ossified political system that cannot tolerate real candidates with real agendas and can only produce Clintons and Obamas as faux agents of change.
I'm not blaming Obama for what he is; I'm blaming an ossified political system that cannot tolerate real candidates with real agendas and can only produce Clintons and Obamas as faux agents of change.
The American system will be this way until the PEOPLE actually stand up for something other than a Democratic or Republican. I'm just relieved that maybe the USA won't look like a** in some foreign relations. Hopefully, USA won't just bomb countries. As far as Obama's corporate ties, I don't think personnel they should be a call for impeachment, unlike current dictator Bush or his administration, who went to War under false tense or the other violations of UN/Nato laws.