Is Mujica out already? Did Tabare get re-elected again??
2. Camberiu, do you have any sources on Lula's fear of inflation ruining his legacy? Portuguese sources are fine.
Is Mujica out already? Did Tabare get re-elected again??
Sounds like mind reading to me. That Lula, Rousseff and the PO in general are in favour of (and heavily implementing) anti-Keynesian austerity in a recession is a matter of basic facts. What their intimate fears are, however, is a matter for folks with magic 8 balls and Ouija boards.
Evidence? They have not even began to negotiating the treaty yet. Do you have any evidence that it isn't?That said, how about #1? Got any evidence for saying this is indeed a free trade agreement and not an investors' rights accord like NAFTA?
OK so let me restate your original point then:
Finally Finally! Brazil and Uruguay are moving ahead without Argentina in negotiations towards a trade agreement with the EU that no one knows what it will look like, but given overwhelming past experience (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP...) it will have nothing to do with free trade.
Furthermore, as to your point about the "mystery" of Lula's austerity support: it is impossible to speak about anyone's true motives, yet this is what all ostensibly "leftist" governments do: they rail against austerity but once in power do a better job implementing it than any rightwing government ever could. Examples: Blair, Clinton, SYRIZA, Menem, PSOE, Obama, PASOK, Hollande... History would seem to be a better guide than groping in the dark about "legacies".
OK so let me restate your original point then:
Finally Finally! Brazil and Uruguay are moving ahead without Argentina in negotiations towards a trade agreement with the EU that no one knows what it will look like, but given overwhelming past experience (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP...) it will have nothing to do with free trade.