Work Hours In A Building In Capital


Jan 1, 2014
We are doing some renovation works and we have had complains from almost every neighbor in the building.
I have been threatened with a claim filed with the local police, I was told 'We can't live like this' / 'I couldn't eat because of the noise' / 'There is a pregnant woman in the building who can't rest because of you!'
We were left anonymous notes with requests such as "please do not start before 9 AM" or "please let me sleep until 10 because I work the night shift in a bar" and we've had texts "I can't bear it anymore, especially on a Saturday" and now "You've busted my balls" (literally).

We have been asked to stop works for at least one hour at lunch time, though the protester was not able to tell me what was the time. She said 12 then 13 and then 13:30. I asked her to tell me the exact hour instead of a vague idea because every neighbor had their requests as far as noise time.

We have explained that to accommodate all the requests we'd work 4 hours a day, from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 17. We'd have to pay workers 8 hours to have them work for half the time. We were told "not my business / I don't care".

I have asked the protester to please let me have the building rules and I was told there is no building rule, just City rules and to look them up myself as it was not them who had to abide by the rules. I literally asked the lady why did she came to protest for a right they don't know.
She's called us liars because when she protested on Thursday we said it would be over by Friday, but on Monday we were still at work - I told her that the plumber did not show up on Friday as expected, and that we've had some extra works to do. Frankly, not even my boss was so strict about planning and we were building a power plant!

I have found this article on La Nacion:

El Código de Edificación de la ciudad no especifica restricciones horarias para el trabajo en las obras, aunque la Agencia Gubernamental de Control (AGC) porteña indicó que éstas no pueden generar ruidos molestos fuera de estos días y horarios: de lunes a viernes, de 7 a 13, y de 16 a 20, y los sábados, de 8 a 13.

We've been called liars for saying we are abiding to the working times above - they don't believe they are (can be) true!

I am getting tired of this whiners and I'd like to know if you know any law I could print and attach on my door. The building administrator never contacted us, thought the neighbors said that they've reported us several times. In San Isidro there was a building rules list at the entrance, where noise times and moving days were clearly stated.