I'm looking for advice in terms of work. Right now i work remotely at home here in the States as a translator and i make good money in dollars. I'm planning to move to BA in the fall, and my plan is to continue to work part-time as a translator in order to still be able to have some savings in dollars, but working desde la compu is really isolating and I'm looking to either find a part-time job in BA for the work visa which i heard is unlike as it is part-time or potentially finding a full-time job and doing extra work each day in order to continue working part-time and making money in dollars. My first question is, is it really impossible to find a part-time job that would give you the work visa, 2. If i happen to GET a work visa, is the U.S government going to be aware that i am getting two incomes 1 from the States and 1 from Argentina, and 3. What are people's experiences crossing the border every 3 months? I know everyone does it but it still makes me paranoid that for some reason they are going to stop me and not let me back in the country. I'd rather not to have to cross every 3 months and that's why i am looking for the work visa as well as having experience working with Argentines. Any advice/explanations/experiences would be highly appreciated. Mil gracias