Working Visa - Advice


Dec 27, 2011
Hello All,

I hope everyone had a good Christmas.

I was wondering if anyone had experience in the working visa application. I have found a sponsor and am just starting the process now however I have an issue.

I am from the UK and received my Police Certificate (Subject Access Data Certificate) however I found out that it flags up that I was caught and reprimanded with a small amount of cannabis (marijuana) 10 years ago when I was at university! :eek:

I am going to get this document translated but am now concerned about the whole process!

Any information or advice would be really helpful.

I don't know what you were caught for, but the reprimand sounds great! Just kidding...

Does the report specifically say Marijuana or Controlled Substance? I have a similar history and when asked about it in the Argentine Embassy when I was applying for my Rentista VISA my criminal BG report said possession of controlled substance. When asked about it at the Argentine Embassy, I was honest and told them the truth, they said, "No Problem, most everyone smokes in Argentina." and gave me the VISA. Your mileage my vary, but that is what happened to me.... Good luck!