Yoga in Las Cañitas?


Jan 10, 2010

Can anyone recommend a yoga place either in English or Spanish in Las Cañitas? I know of several in Palermo, but really would like to be able to easily walk from my apartment to class.
I too live in Las Canitas and joined a gym (Megatlon) on Migueletes (and Olleros) -- I guess that's technically in Belgrano. The gym offers a number of yoga classes as well as other stuff: spinning, Pilates, dance, etc. They also have a weight room and a nice pool. I've only been here a week so only have taken one dance class but I like the place a lot -- good facilities and very friendly.

Since we're both in Las Canitas, we should meet for coffee sometime. My local number is 4899-1604.
Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't know about the class at Natural Deli, but I've been to Buena Onda Yoga quite a bit and I see the teacher is substituting there right now at their Palermo location. I went by Megatlon the other day and have been wanting to get a trial pass to try their yoga classes. I'd never heard of the style Swasthya Yoga aka DeRose I think. From the research I've done it seems like a pyramid scheme or something here in Latin America. Anyone have experience with the style of yoga?