Young & well to do. Should I move to BA?

Are you 12? You've never asked a girl you found interesting and attractive to go out with you on a date? You just tried to kiss her at the bar-party-picnic-nightclub whatever ..... and even as I'm writing this I realize you're probably telling the truth. You're that guy leaning out the window of the bus cat calling at women in the street, you're the guy creeping on the girls at the clubs, you're the guy who doesn't understand "no don't touch me". You're that sleazy argentine.

So you don´t get it yet. "Dating" is an American concept invented in the 1920s or so. Guess what? You are in a different country, buddy, with a different culture and system of values. We touch, and we kiss, and we invade your "personal space". We flirt in our workplace, we drink from the bottle in the street, and, wait for it, gays and lesbians can marry legally here.

You need to understand that you are not in Kansas anymore. Somebody asked about Buenos Aires. Well, the city still is in Argentina.
Sigh.. Marksoc - you have just as limited a viewpoint of the US as many US people do of Argentina.

There are plenty of young people in the US that go out in the manner you describe (groups of friends, take public transport, etc). There are PLENTY of porteños that go on formal dates and expect to be picked up in a car, wined and dined, etc.

And to whomever commented about Brasil - not "hard" per se (although be prepared for multiple trips to the consulate just b/c they can make you do it!) to get a tourist visa and you can indeed stay for 6 months in the country which is what the OP was proposing.
stefano said:
Mexico? It's a great place to get caught in the cross fire of rival drug cartels or thrown in jail by corrupt cops or get kidnapped. Everyone is better off staying clear of Mexico.

The op never even mentioned shopping and if he's a bloke, he'll probably have as much interest in shopping as the next man, ie not very much.
I don't live in CapFed, but I'm damn sure that if I had his $$$, was single and adventurous, I'd be on the next flight and burn baby burn!
I can live more than OK in BA for $2000/month, rent in a pretty nice apt. included. If you spend $4000/month in BA you'd live in real luxury. With so much money, why are you concerned about a couple of thousand? BA can be a very glamorous city if you can spend $4000/month.

In Rio to live a glamorous way appropriate for Brazil you'd need to spend about twice that much...

I also recommend Tokyo, it is infinitely interesting, but of course quite expensive...less expensive than Rio in some ways though!