New mandate re money transfers?


Sep 2, 2009
just got this email from santander rio bank....the smvm now is 202.800 so does this mean that we can only receive aprox 900 .000 pesos per month in transfers via western union? i am a retiree from usa using my ssi
We tell you that - in accordance with UIF Resolution 14/2023 , which seeks to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism - we need to better understand your financial situation and the origin of your income.
That is why, if you do not have your formal activity registered in the AFIP (either because you do not currently work, you are a housewife or a student) you will be able to receive monthly credits in your account (cash deposits and/or transfers) for a maximum amount of up to 4 (four) minimum vital and mobile salaries (SMVM).
The maximum amount you can deposit in your account is 4 x SMVM @ 202,800 = 811,200 pesos per month. However, the maximum amount you can deposit per year is only 25 x SMVM = 5,070,000. Divide that by 12 months, and the average deposit per month is only 422,500 pesos.
I recommend picking up pesos at a Western Union store and then going to your bank to make deposits within these limits.
The maximum amount you can deposit in your account is 4 x SMVM @ 202,800 = 811,200 pesos per month. However, the maximum amount you can deposit per year is only 25 x SMVM = 5,070,000. Divide that by 12 months, and the average deposit per month is only 422,500 pesos.
I recommend picking up pesos at a Western Union store and then going to your bank to make deposits within these limits.
If the limits cited above apply to cash deposits as well as transfers, why would "picking up pesos at a Western Union store and then going to your bank to make deposits within these limits" provide an advantage to simply transferring the funds directly into the account?

What Iwould like to know (as well as I imagine those expats living under the radar) is, if, aftering transferring the maximum monthly and/or annually acceptable amounts directly into a bank account, will it be possible to make additional transfers for cash pickup at a Western Union location...without having "your formal activity registered" with AFIP?
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I just got the same message from Santander. Anyone know how to register with AFIP? Can it even be done? And if so is that a bad idea?
Only if you are one of those who believe that overseas pension income is taxable here. Some are certain that it isn't. Others wonder why it wouldn't be.
Anyone know how to register with AFIP? And if so is that a bad idea?
just got this email from santander rio bank....the smvm now is 202.800 so does this mean that we can only receive aprox 900 .000 pesos per month in transfers via western union? i am a retiree from usa using my ssi
I just got the same message from Santander. Anyone know how to register with AFIP? Can it even be done? And if so is that a bad idea?

Obligatory Not a Lawyer/Accountant

The UIF (Financial Intelligence Unit)'s job is to basically catch people money laundering, financing terrorism, or, as is most frequently the case, catch people not paying taxes. It appears that your transactions v.s. your income data reported to AFIP have likely triggered Santander's KYC audit (or the UIF has ordered an audit of you, though I doubt that based on the fact that you can still do movements up to 4 SMVMs). You both have to basically convince Santander that your money is kosher, i.e. you have income that is taxable, and you're paying tax on it, or you have income that is not taxable, and here is proof of where it comes from/why it's not taxable.

In the case of @studiodio, your's will hopefully be easy: you likely only need to make a DDJJ attesting to the source of your income being your monthly SSI check. I would make a turno with your account executive and see go in and ask what exactly they need. My guess is going to be a DDJJ certified by a licensed accountant (or they may have a form already for retired foreigners, I'm not sure) and your SSI statements. Your income is non-taxable, so you should be okay, but do you have ANY other sources of income? Working on the side, selling dollars on Florida street then depositing them in an ATM, etc.? If not, things should be straight forward for you.

@wjacobs based on your question, I assume it's not as straight forward as SSI checks. If you've been working en negro, and have not been paying any taxes, well, this is what I have warned people about here, and you need an accountant yesterday. If it's SSI like studiodio, you can follow the same process.

Anyways, independent of the above two scenarios, let this be a reminder to anyone coming here that thinks they can just work remotely for a foreign company, not pay any taxes here, and use the banking system like normal (this includes getting invoices issues in your CUIT, depositing cash, paying for expensive items via debit, doing arbitrage with dollars and WU, etc.). If you're not getting pension income, and it's not savings you have from worked abroad that you already paid taxes (that are under the limit for taxes on bienes personales, last I checked it was tens of thousands of dollars) you have to at least pay something to AFIP. This is how kids get caught all the time, working en negro, getting paid via AirTM, and then wondering why the UIF is messaging them. Don't get greedy, even at the highest monotributo it's like $50/month you'll pay. Not worth being blacklisted by financial institutions, but that's just me.
On bienes personales, although the government can't get through its changes through parliament, you have to wonder with the libertarians in charge whether they just get around problem by making it clear internally in AFIP that they are not particularly interested in pursuing this tax.
I only received this very same email yesterday from Santander, nothing from other banks yet. Chances are they got audited or something.
Latest transfer to my Brubank didn't arrive so assume it's to do with this, but didn't get anything from the bank yet.