Recent content by Carloncho

  1. Carloncho

    Has anyone successfully transferred US dollars directly into your US dollar bank account in AR

    Thanks for the info. If I go back and I do that, maybe I avoid the WU fees for my monthly SS transfers!
  2. Carloncho

    Has anyone successfully transferred US dollars directly into your US dollar bank account in AR

    SIlvia, I live in the US and although I''m Argentinian I cannot open a caja de ahorro en dólares cuz I never contributed to ANSES. Any recomendantion?
  3. Carloncho

    How Milei’s chainsaw economics proved his Left-wing critics wrong

    I'm a retired US citizen from Argentina, and thinking in returning and use Western Union to get my modest SS money. Is Argentina's economy so unstable even with above average income for Argentine standards?
  4. Carloncho

    Max monthly transfers allowed by Western Union from the US

    I am Argentinian wanting to return from the US and receive my monthly Social Security benefits via Western Union.
  5. Carloncho

    Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina

    How to justify Social Security payments over $1000 usd to Western Union to receive it in Argentina. Any way to demonstrate there is no money laundering?
  6. Carloncho

    Buying and Selling Real Estate in Argentina

    I am Argentinian and retired in the US and would like to sell my condo in Arizona and buy a property in Buenos Aires for around $70000 usd. Banco de Galicia won't allow me to open an account in dollars because I did not contribute to ANSE for three years. Does anybody know how to wire more...
  7. Carloncho

    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Wow! Sarmiento and Alberdi ideas against those of Peron and Kirchner means the old glorious Argentina against the populist and socialist "villa miseria" of today's Argentina.
  8. Carloncho

    WU reduction fee

    Yes, that's what I know. WU charges 7% paying with debit card and it's the only way living abroad. I thought there was a sort of reduction maybe like WU taking money from my checking account. Anyway, I live in Arizona so do you live in AZ as well? Thanks
  9. Carloncho

    Argentine food for ex-baexpats

    You are right so I ordered Hesperidina online.
  10. Carloncho

    WU reduction fee

    I am a US and Argentinian citizen, and I am planning to retire in Baires and transfer my SS payments using Western Union. WU fees are much smaller when paying at the store than online. Anybody knows about WU "fee reduction" to send money to ourselves overseas, BA in this case?
  11. Carloncho

    Official: Néstor Kirchner pipeline is ‘45% complete,’ will be ready by June

    Curiously, the opposite happens in the US, where Democrat Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline in his first day of "presidency".
  12. Carloncho

    Getting Money From Wells Fargo In Buenos Aires

    Do I have to go to Colonia to receive US dollars transferred from my Chase account? What are the US banks that could allow to transfer dollars from the checking account in USA? I am retired and thinking to return to my natal Buenos Aires