Recent content by DRSG

  1. D

    You Went Where??? A Survey Of The Least Visited Places.

    Been to: Libya before the fall of Gaddafi, Myanmar Want to: Iran, N Korea, Mali, Syria & Iraq (some day), Aremenia
  2. D

    Need Advise On Bi-Lingual School

    As someone who has worked in education in BA as well as in Asia I would advise you to be careful about what you are expecting from your school. In general, the schools here do not foster academic rigour, excellence or perseverance in their students. This may not be as much a concern for you in...
  3. D

    Rents - The Internet Vs. Reality

    This is where we are staying now and we're leaving at the end of May. Fully furnished, nice owners, reasonable rent, incredibly convenient location in Barrio Chino (Belgrano).
  4. D

    Ba Fashion Week - Tickets?

    Hey Group! Anyone know how/where to buy tickets to BA fashion week? Gracias! DRSG
  5. D

    Notarised Document For A Child To Leave The Country

    What is a "centro de gestion", and where can I find one near Belgrano or Recoleta? Thanks, DRSG
  6. D


    Does anyone know when Polo season is, and how one can acquire tickets?
  7. D

    Food From Home

    We were prepared for the lack of North American food when we moved here - it's all part of the adventure, right? We did bring some Cheerios and maple syrup with us, but got worried when stocks got low. We were just in La Paz on vacation and stopped in at a small local grocery store; lo and...
  8. D

    Fish And Chips?

    Had eagerly anticipated a visit to Chippers - disappointing. The fish batter was goey inside, not crispy. The "spicy" curry chips were like baby pablum. No flavour. The Burger for my daughter was fine, except that it came with lots of ingredients not mentioned on the menu. Fries were OK, but...
  9. D

    Arriving With Lots Of Suitcases Ok?

    We came through EZE in February and brought 10 suitcases (Air Canada lost 2, so we left the airport with 8). No problems at all. I highly recommend bringing all the children's clothing and shoes you will need. Our 3.5 year old daughter's bag with her ENTIRE wardrobe was lost, and we waited 8...
  10. D

    Young Children - How Long To Learn Spanish?

    We also arrived in early February, and my 3 year old daughter was enrolled in a French school after 3 weeks where for the first 6 weeks they were exclusively taught in Spanish. She can now count up to 20 in English, French and Spanish, and knows her colours in all languages, and can identify...
  11. D

    Recommendations For Children's Shoes

    We've been here 3 months, and our almost 4 year old daughter has outgrown all her shoes. We purchased some outrageously expensive running-type shoes at Mimo which fell apart after 6 weeks. We then purchased two pairs of inexpensive (= cheap) shoes at two different independent stores last...
  12. D

    Fabric District?

    Does anyone know an area in BA where there are a good selection of fabric stores? In Belgrano I've only seen one, and it has a poor selection of mostly synthetics.
  13. D

    Need Advise On How To Handle My Maid

    I hired a maid today for the first time - seems fine, but she basically told me she would come twice a week for 6 hours each time. I was thinking once or twice a week for 3 hours. What's up with that?
  14. D

    Fed Ex Delivery From The States

    We also have a terrible time getting things here. We ordered a bunch of books and a couple of DVDs off Amazon, and they arrived here OK, but were held for some sort of tax. We weren't even notified that the order was here until it was already returned to Amazon and we had been refunded! My...
  15. D

    Reciprocity Fee....b4 You Fly?

    When we arrived in February, just after it was instituted, there were still kiosks at EZE where you could pay on arrival. That being said, in Canada they were also preventing people from boarding their flight without the receipt.