Search results

  1. P

    70 Year Old Friend Coming To Live In La Plata

    Hello all. As an introduction, Im from Argentina, i lived in New Orleans for almost 7 years and moved to Del Mar (CA) after Katrina hit. I've my company in Colorado Springs now, and my wife and I returned to Argentina about 3 years ago (to enjoy the exchange rate). I made a lot of american...
  2. P

    What do you wish you would have brought to BA?

    Syrup and BBQ sauce
  3. P

    Prepaid Mobile Data Options

    Alex, I have an android phone and bought a little application called Easy Tether at the Android Market... with Personal, I pay $1 per day for 3G and connect my computer to it... I gotta tell you the speed is awesome, it is even faster than Speedy.
  4. P

    Phisically carrying USD

    I needed to carry about 50,000 so I purchased 500 euros bills and that was perfect to carry in my pocket
  5. P

    Need help deciphering a few words in English (urgent)

  6. P

    Anyone bought us$ this week?

    It is legal: Los contratos en dólares están permitidos pero son considerados peligrosos por los inquilinos que tienen remuneración pesificada. "Rental agreements in USD are allowed, but considered dangerous by tenants who earn their salaries in pesos" From...
  7. P

    Exchange Rate Robbery or Reasonable?

    Well, I sold 3,000 dollars today and they paid me $5 (five pesos) per dollar here in La Plata. 4.60 sounds good to me.
  8. P

    How do people here afford McDonalds/Burger King?

    That's not accurate. A Big Mac Combo costs $21. Cheers
  9. P

    Argentina, Chilie...anyone?

    If you are heading south, you definitelly want to visit San Martin de los Andes.
  10. P

    Where to beach vacation?

    Carilo is a beautiful place, I rent a house there every year in January, and you have Pinamar nightlife a few miles form Carilo.
  11. P

    Escribano charges, anyone done this?

    To notarize a signature they wont charge you more than 150 pesos. You can always go to a "Juzgado de Paz" to get a document notarized for something in the range of 10 to 20 pesos.
  12. P

    Anyone Interested in Starting a Business Venture

    Dont hire anyone in here. I hired two tech guys for two years and they ended up suing me for $150,000 each (Pesos). The lawsuit was painful, four years long. I won it, but I had to pay my lawyer $87,000 (about 20K USD). By the way, the judges are the ones that set my lawyer's fees... I...
  13. P

    Villa Soldati - Are you watching?

    Only in Argentina...
  14. P

    Nestor Kirchner has just passed

    I expect a huge devaluation. IT import dollar price is at $4.07 for wholesale. The day before Nestor died we were all selling technology at $4.00 Just wait, we will have dinner again at Puerto Madero for a few bucks soon.
  15. P

    Just bought a Laptop need Windows in English

    Are you nere La Plata? I can give you a copy of Windows 7 ultimate with a license that will allow you to download all the updates. Just let me know.
  16. P

    Returning Argentines

    Well, in my case (I am argentinean), I returned 3 years ago, after living in the US for 7 years. What I did is to create a business there, make it work, and once the business didnt need me anymore, I returned home :-) Oh and I also got married there. BTW I am new at this forum :P Take care...
  17. P

    Starting a company on a an Argentine friends D.N.I

    Oh, and you do not need a DNI for holding a SA (sociedad anonima) stock certificate. You should consider also that an S.A. will cost about $1000 (pesos) per month, for the accountant and the SA fees, but if your business goes fine, you can issue shares, dilute stock, etc... same than a CORP or...
  18. P

    Starting a company on a an Argentine friends D.N.I

    Be careful with monotributista status, since you can only invoice a certain amount of money when issuing "facturas C". Why dont you explore the possibility of creating an SRL (sociedad de responsabilidad limitada) or a SA (sociedad anonima), which equals to an LLC in the US for the SRL and a...
  19. P

    Anyone selling a laptop?

    Hi Acupunturabuenosaires. I got a Mac 2 months ago and I just dont get along with it. I think I miss the "unexpected error" messages from windows LOL. The computer is on a box, 2 months old. It is the new Macbook (white) model. Lemme know if you are interested :) Take care.
  20. P

    Buying a Business in Argentina

    And here are some hotels and hostels for sale in Cordoba: I hope this helps :)