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  1. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    Thank you for this Mr Twin. I believe that the publisher of his books should know the kind of bully that he is. He does not deserve any respect of the reading public if he treats people in such a dictatorial fashion.
  2. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    Mr compulsive ,obsessive , psychotic, histronic man cannot leave me alone for a few days. I know it must get to you that you have not achieved the success in your life that you expected and the only way you can get some fame is harassing me and others on this forum .
  3. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    Miss Arlean This post I like that you write as it has some truth in the culture of Buenos Aires today.
  4. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    You are the king or queen of one liners that do nothing but try to denigrate others ( even though it has little effect on this forum as 99.9% percent are more intelligent and well read than you) Your a typical hypocritical democrat supporter who makes a mockery of democracy. As long as you are...
  5. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Certainly my drivel has you riveted to your seat with your compulsive requirement to respond to every remark and comment that passes my lips. I understand that your life is more boring than your books and your only creative exp<b></b>ression is this forum .
  6. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Tinfoil, Tinfoil, tinfoil, Tinfoil is this your eloquence at work. As I have said your spam and dribble on these forums has very little effect and noone is buying your books !
  7. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Obama and you have a long history of mutual love and admiration. Your society is falling to pieces and still you are raving to the gullible on these forums. Note that noone is reading your spam nor your books !
  8. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Mr Steve you must have something wrong with you as my post was for ajoknoblauch not for you .
  9. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    I can see that you have very few friends in the world as your one line insults that you throw at everyone seem to have the opposite effect that you intended. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and see that other people think different to you, and do not share your beliefs or predujices .
  10. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Yes I can see now why a lying expert is your role model as you have built your life around lies and more lies as seen by your dishonest books that you try to sell to a gullible public. People are waking up though to people like you and we all look forward to the day that true and honest people...
  11. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    With a sexy name like Ghost I am sure you are a hit with all the ladies in La Capital !
  12. S

    I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

    I have to laugh hard at this comment of yours as you are the most desperate person I have ever had the misfortune to meet in my life, and no I will not read your books!!!!!!
  13. S

    I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

    Monkeys are infinetely more interesting than you or your books.
  14. S

    I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

    Yes I do and she is a dear friend of mine .
  15. S

    I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

    I could watch 1000 hours of golf than read one of your books. I have heard that they will be using your books as a new form of torture in Guatanomo bay
  16. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    You are a hypocrite who cannot smell hi own s..... .
  17. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Correct overinflated ego, arrogance, hysterical, and psycotic behaviour
  18. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    I like to inform you monstrous ego that I have recieved 5 private messages from people in the last week complaining about your behaviour . You believe that anyone will bother to buy your books after reading your one line comments here .
  19. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    You are an intelligent man and I like your posts as they speak facts not like the one line drivel we read from Ajoknoblauch . This is the problem of the world today we have low intelligence people like him pushing their arrogant and misinformed opinions on a gullible public . World wide...
  20. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    I really really really do not like your books and use them only for my bathroom where they belong perfectly .