The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Looks like somebody's been hoarding his tinfoil for emergencies.

Go ahead, make fun of me.

This is like calling my posts (or anything Ayn Rand wrote) nonsense or drivel.

If you have a real point, please state it.

Obamacare is going to be a nightmare for most individual citizens of the USA.

It will result in less health care at higher costs for most...

Those are the 85% who "liked their plan (and it's price) before the law was enacted...and then repeatedly changed by "executive" (aka dictator) order.

And no amount of tinfoil will protect those individual citizens from the orders of the dictator.
Looks like somebody's been hoarding his tinfoil for emergencies.

I can see that you have very few friends in the world as your one line insults that you throw at everyone seem to have the opposite effect that you intended. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and see that other people think different to you, and do not share your beliefs or predujices .
I can see that you have very few friends in the world as your one line insults that you throw at everyone seem to have the opposite effect that you intended. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and see that other people think different to you, and do not share your beliefs or predujices .

This is really interesting.

You have no idea how many friends I have in the world (or where they live).

The crucial point is that I don't advocate forcing anyone to do anything. I am sure this is beyond your comprehension, as your posts are simply...irrational. Here's a one liner for you: Como se dice "rabid dog" in Spanish?
I like that word, pussified, it gives me a warm moist fuzzy feeling.
The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

The doctors in BsAs perform amazing surgeries.
I can see that you have very few friends in the world as your one line insults that you throw at everyone seem to have the opposite effect that you intended. Maybe you need to broaden your horizons and see that other people think different to you, and do not share your beliefs or predujices .
Como se dice "mad (rabid) dog" en castellano?
Mr Steve you must have something wrong with you as my post was for [background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]ajoknoblauch not for you . [/background]