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So because someone did it before it means that he is not a dictator? And what about "change"?

And yet he could make an executive decision to close it anyways, just like when he went to war with Libya without congressional support.. He does not because the political cost is more important to him than his principles or his word. It is all a politcal calculation to him. So much for "change".

BULLCRAP. Even the government admits that it happened (after first denying it) and people got both fired and resigned for it.

Again, since it was done before, it means that he is not a dictator? And what about "change"?

BULLCRAP! Eric Holden was the first US attorney general in the history of the United States to be held in criminal contempt by Congress by refusing to provide information on Fast&Furious. People within the ATF are being CRIMINALLY PERSECUTED right now for Fast&Furious. Of course, they are talking the fall for their bosses, Holden and the Presidend.

Obviously you know NOTHING about my political views. Of course Bush was a dictator and an criminal. He and Obama should be cell mates.

You are an intelligent man and I like your posts as they speak facts not like the one line drivel we read from Ajoknoblauch . This is the problem of the world today we have low intelligence people like him pushing their arrogant and misinformed opinions on a gullible public . World wide socialism is their goal with Obama being their cheerleader .
Obamacare is going to change a great deal. Yes, it will make it possible for previously low income uninsured people to get subsidized health insurance. This Includes members of the US Congress. If this isn't CORRUPTION what is? But when those who are hit with massive increases in their premiums discover they can pay a small "tax" until they actually need health care and NOT pay the higher premiums, much more government intervention will be necessary.

How are the the insurance companies "merciless" and profit hungry?" Please correct me if I am wrong, but aren't their profits already limited by law to 15% of their gross revenues from premiums? Is Apple's profit margin anywhere near that (low)? If the pharmaceutical companies can't make a profit, why would there be any reason the develop new drugs? Perhaps the government should take over the development of all new drugs, just like it has led the way with alternative energy.


American Healthcare is fucked.
I mean, Ron Paul is sorta likeable, but he's totally nuts. His son Rand, on the other hand, is not likeable.
You come on hear and say the same shit over and over about Ron Paul.

You have said this about a medical doctor who has delivered thousands of babies and then won numerous congressional elections.

You are such a good liberal yet you slander continually. Typical liberal knows what's best for everyone. Judgemental douche bag.

I really don;t like you or anything that comes off your keyboard. I think you have a very big ego. I think you have a huge vision of your self. And by continually throwing insults at Ron Paul, a guy who has accomplished so much more than you, I think you manifest yourself as a true loser. No go get that Bama care we are all better off with. Then go lick the slobber off your dog's face.
The nice thing about this whole Obamacare is it outs Obama for exactly what he is... a liar.. And it outs liberals who continue to push the garbage spin for what they are,,. sycophants.

or they support their man I guess because of guilt.... meanwhile the most liberal rag in the US outs Bama for exactly what he is... a liar. And if you want to support that go for it. It just lets us all know your true character too. It takes a man of real integrity to support a liar.

Video from nice liberal rag about their own man is priceless. Click to enjoy.
Given her literacy level, the toilet is probably the only use Sami has for any book.

I like to inform you monstrous ego that I have recieved 5 private messages from people in the last week complaining about your behaviour . You believe that anyone will bother to buy your books after reading your one line comments here .
I like to inform you monstrous ego that I have recieved 5 private messages from people in the last week complaining about your behaviour . You believe that anyone will bother to buy your books after reading your one line comments here .

Correct spelling, syntax, grammar and punctuation appear to be inversely proportional to indignation.