The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Sorry, but by posting on, and reading, internet forums, you are automatically "requesting" opinions.
If you truly dont want to read other people's opinions, what the hell are you doing on this website?

I suppose you could have your own blog, and not allow comments.
The problem being, of course, that there might be nobody reading it.

Other people all tend to come with opinions. The only way to avoid them is to be a hermit.
You are correct.
It's just that your quote sort of implies that none of the people in these countries know that it is wrong to murder. It sounds as if you are saying that only Western culture knows what is right. ...
Absolutely not my intention, I picked those examples because they are recent and because in four of them people were/are killed because of who they are, not as a result of their actions.

We can easily agree upon, that in many ways western society is not in a position of moral superiority.

The difference is that governments in democracies are vulnerable to public opinion. Gandhi's trick worked in India - and even in South Africa (1894–1914) - but only because Britain's sensitivity to public opinion saved his life. Had he tried the same in todays e.g. North Korea or Belarus he would have been very dead very quickly.

BTW: The Tianmen square incident is a very poor choise to support your claim. Several thousand demonstrators have been disappered after the demonstrations. I suggest you try to locate the group who were allowed to deliver a petition. Officially none of them have ever existed, including a friend of my brother's.

Let's just think about for a moment the conflict in Rwanda. The U.S.A. did nothing about Rwanda ... Let's say that our military had gone to Rwanda and done some of the following things:

1. Made shelters for the Tutsi and surrounded them with human body shields. ... 4. ...

So forth and so on. If we would have done that, ...
... the United States would have been the target of violent reproaches.

It is always: damned if you do, damned if you don't.

But, in fairness, you also have a point, which I sympathise with.

In an ideal world - not the one we live in - peace and brotherly love would prevail.