Search results

  1. Bricky

    Do Cuevas Buy/sell Bitcoin?

    Hi All, I note that has been quoting a "bitcoin blue" rate for some time now, and there was mention of cuevas at the bitcoin conference last year. So, does anyone know of a cueva that buys/sells bitcoin? I'm aware of localbitcoins and bitex - specifically interested in cuevas...
  2. Bricky

    Good Satellite/aerial Image Of The City?

    Does anyone know of a reasonably good satellite image of the city available online anywhere? The google/bing/apple ones leave a lot to be desired. And the only other one I've found so far is this one (which isn't great either). Edit: found a pretty good one...
  3. Bricky

    Start Up Meet Up

    Another vote of interest here :) I'm a techie dev type - definitely *not* an entrepreneur though (I've tried it, and I was just bad at it!) Interested in keeping abreast of how this develops with a view to getting involved at a later date (I'm fully committed elsewhere at the moment)
  4. Bricky

    Phones: Movistar/personal/claro?

    Ah ok, it's a 5s. No matter. :) thanks! I think all the iphone CDMA models include GSM as well by the way - and the 5s is even more confusing in that the CDMA and GSM models actually share a model number - A1533 - what you get depends on where you bought it. But, no matter, it's likely not...
  5. Bricky

    Phones: Movistar/personal/claro?

    I heard the verb "wasapear" for the first time the other day (or maybe it's "whatsappear"?). Had no idea that was a thing now :) Edit: seems I'm really falling behind on this: feeling old now.
  6. Bricky

    Phones: Movistar/personal/claro?

    @nlaruccia: is your iPhone 5 a US CDMA model? (model number A1429) - just a curiosity. Edit: I suppose I should explain why I ask. From what I understand, personal uses the GSM 1900 band. And I believe in the us CDMA uses 1900 also. It could be that there's some kind of incompatibility...
  7. Bricky

    Planned Internet Restrictions

    So, it's *just porn* they'll be restricting? Artículo 2o - La Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones elaborará y mantendrá actualizado el contenido de la lista de sitios de acceso restringido en el que identificará las páginas con contenido pornográfico a través de una estrategia acordada...
  8. Bricky

    Moving From Dublin To Ba

    Hi Cemma, Welcome to the forum! :) I'm a corkman, living here for the last few years. There are a few other paddies on the forum too - I expect they'll chime in too. Next feb is a long way off - things might change a lot between now and then! Anyway, feel free to fire any questions at me (or...
  9. Bricky

    Hey, Welcome To Buenos Aires, Guys !!

    Initial reaction: WTF! "dressed in full regalia" implies "taliban or taliban wannabes"? later: hang on, maybe they had guns? Escort for a VIP perhaps? later: guns in arrivals, not very likely I guess later: they probably wore turbans or something but: could that really label them as taliban to...
  10. Bricky

    Tpb Blocked In Argentina

    Thought this might be of interest to some:http://geekye.infone...e-argentina.php La medida precautoria ordena a Speedy, Movistar, Fibertel, Primera Red Interactiva de Medios Argentinos, Telecentro, IPLAN, Arnet, Personal, Metrotel, SION, Sinectis y Claro a bloquear el acceso a sus...
  11. Bricky

    Who Charges Me Afip?

    I understand that the airlines collect it (for booking of journeys which originate in Argentina). I remember digging through the taxes for a BA flight some time back, and it was in there. This could be a BA-specific thing though, I haven't looked at other airlines. (there was a dicussion thread...
  12. Bricky

    Spilled Coffee On Macbook Air -Help!!

    It's not thaaaaaat difficult to open a macbook air - if it was me I'd certainly give it a try before buying a new one. If the spill was just on the keyboard then there's probably no permanent damage. The difficultly is those damned special screws it has. Two options I've known to work: - If...
  13. Bricky

    Scam Culture

    We had exactly the same scenario with a set of livingroom lights maybe 2 years ago. I was livid, but my wife (a local) hardly raised an eyebrow. We eventually got the (actually new) lights, but it cost us several trips back to the shop ("they'll be in next week") and a lot of...
  14. Bricky

    It's As Cold As A Witch's Tit Today...

    In Ireland on a day like today we generally say: "Gosh, it's warm out today" ^_^
  15. Bricky

    Argie Moving To Ireland

    I'm Irish, and travel there every few months. If you've any specific questions you think I can help with, please let me know. There's also an Argentine member here who moved to Ireland maybe 2 years ago - I'll dig up his name in a minute and get back ... Edit: It's larmaque. Seems he...
  16. Bricky


    Another vote for the boric acid, it worked for us about 2 years ago. It was quite spooky actually. I blogged about it at the time
  17. Bricky

    Recommendations For A Tax Accountant

    happy? No. Obviously I have no wish to pay any tax whatsoever. :P And there were fines and such - the whole thing took most of our savings. My point is that they could have double-taxed my entire income, and my position would have been difficult to defend (as bajo suggested above, I would...
  18. Bricky

    Recommendations For A Tax Accountant

    Hi Mateus, Yes, found an accountant. More on that in a minute. There isn't a taxation agreement between Ireland and Argentina, but the afip were quite reasonable about the whole thing. I just had to declare my previous income to them, prove that I had paid the appropriate taxes in Ireland...
  19. Bricky

    Most Comfortable Flight To Europe?

    BA do a daily flight at around lunchtime: BA244 EZE -> LHR. It's a long trip (around 13 hrs), but it's the easiest option as it's direct. Iberia also do a direct flight to Madrid (the number of which escapes me at the moment), or, at slightly higher cost, Air France to a direct flight to CDG.
  20. Bricky

    First Post…first Question

    Re the UPS: for pretty much anything computer related, the easiest place is generally Galería Jardín on Florida street. More techie stuff than you can shake a stick at :) Re the bonding: up to a few weeks ago, I had a kind of roll-your-own setup between two vpn connections to work, but in the...