Search results

  1. stefano

    Is returning to the USA really desirable?

    I live in Southern California and believe me, the WalMart issue of obesity is real. The people that shop there are HUGE! Obesity is a problem here in the US. I just hope it doesn't creep southward to BA. I'd hate to see all of those beautiful women down there expand to ridiculous sizes like the...
  2. stefano

    A year in a Slum

    A person doesn't have to travel very far from wherever they live to experience poverty first hand. I live in California, and with the economy in the tank, I see homeless people who were once members of the middle class pushing shopping carts full of junk with their kids in tow. Poverty is...
  3. stefano

    Happy Argentina!!

  4. stefano

    Best South American capitals/cities to live/work

    Tijuana, Mexico. Just kidding.
  5. stefano

    A Comment About All The Negativity

    "Meanwhile my Silicon Valley home home appreciated 30% last year. Not everywhere in the States in hurting." You must be joking. I work in Real Estate in California and housing prices are still spiraling downward. 30% appreciation? PLEASE! Housing will continue to drop in the United States for...
  6. stefano

    A Comment About All The Negativity

    You say you aren't physically attractive by Argentine standards? What do you look like? Are you skinny? Large? Have a big nose? (BTW, I have a big nose so I'm concerned.)
  7. stefano

    Latest influx of immigrants

    Blacks that speak English? They're probably from Ingelwood, CA.
  8. stefano

    It's time for a New Life...

    The problem is easy to figure out. If it's a woman then she's a bitter hair pie. If it's a guy then he's a bitter hair pie.
  9. stefano

    I was called a racist!

  10. stefano

    A simple traffic accident can be dangerous

    You're right on that. Pepper spray won't do anyone any good when cold cocked. But if a victim can rally then a few squirts to the face usually helps. It has worked for me here in Los Angeles, CA. It should work in BA provided it is legal to carry pepper spray in BA.
  11. stefano

    A simple traffic accident can be dangerous

    Buy some PEPPER SPRAY!
  12. stefano

    Two men found stabbed to death in Palermo

    Crime is increasing all over the world because the world economy is tanking. Best for most of us to keep a low profile until things pick up. Best wishes and luck to all of those that venture outside of their homes.
  13. stefano

    Who are the future BAEXPATS?

    I'll drink to that.
  14. stefano

    Recommendation for cigarette brands?

    My girlfriend smokes and I relish the thought of kissing her nicotine stained lips. And since I smoke, I save money by inhaling her breath.
  15. stefano

    Warning to women

    As soon as pulled out his "wang" you shoulda pointed and laughed!
  16. stefano

    Argentine films ( The best )

    [i can tell one of the worst is "assassination tango" with robert duvall. Hey, Assassination Tango wasn't a bad movie. I thought the music was pretty good. Now, if you want to see a bad movie then watch anything with Jennifer Aniston. She stinks.
  17. stefano

    Chest x-ray required when starting employment

    I think the chest exam is only for women.
  18. stefano

    END of the ROAD

    To the original poster.......... Wait til you get back here to the States. The economy is in the dumper and unemployment is thru the roof! I think you're gonna experience a real eye opener. I hope you saved your nickles. I wish you luck!
  19. stefano

    I haven't been able to get a good night's rest anywhere here

    I live in a noisy neighborhood and found that drinking myself into oblivion is the only way to knock me out and get some sleep. The only problem is dealing with the incessant pounding in my head the next morning. Now that I think about it, and to paraphrase Warren Zevon, the only decent sleep...
  20. stefano

    Young & well to do. Should I move to BA?

    Mexico? It's a great place to get caught in the cross fire of rival drug cartels or thrown in jail by corrupt cops or get kidnapped. Everyone is better off staying clear of Mexico.