Search results

  1. B

    Science is under threat in Argentina — we must call out the danger

    Who said that government should get involved with science? the purpose of government is to secure borders, and institute and enforce laws that the people want, period! The problem with the world today is that too many people want too much stuff from their robin hood governments! other than...
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    How can I pay my U.S. credit card from here or Uruguay???

    I have the opposite problem, building a house here and need to move dinero here, if you’re comfortable with it you could give me your dollars here and I’ll pay your amex with my us bank account. With, of course, safety/security caveats…
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    Selling an adjustable office chair

    Well said ReplyGuy! It does remind me of my favorite office chair, had it in my office in Texas. When we sold the house, and pretty much everything else, I couldn’t bring myself to sell that Herman Miller Aeron chair! I still have it, it’s in storage in Texas. Not sure if it’d cost less to...
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    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    good council!!
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    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    Gates is a criminal sociopath. Back in the day he used the same mainframe computer company that rented out time on their “state of the art” computer. My fathers company was squeezed out because gates implanted viruses into the system, demanded more time, and held the computer company hostage...
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    Meeting Americans

    Wow, well I certainly hope that the gov doesn't maintain a list of the number of immigrants from each country! Frankly, I'm rather fond of the Arg. Gov. being inept, and hope that they stay that way. I don't want to be on some list, tracked by thousands of cameras every day!! My...
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    Argentina to stop placing entry and exit stamps in passports

    Thanks for the link anouarman! very helpful!!
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    The SSA foreign enforcement questionnaire arrived by local mail

    I'm still paying, not yet receiving, but the day isn't too far away, & have a possibly stupid ? How do you get the funds? Electronically to a US bank account? Old school thinking envisions a check in the mail, which seems a bit sketch living in Arg...
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    I'm so bored...this pandemic has killed me, is there anything to do here?

    Hey Izno, Shooting is kind of my thing too! However, I’ve yet to find a way to Import mine, or purchase blasters or pills here, pistols rifles or shotguns. I’d love to find a way, and find a club/range. I used to shoot IDPA and USPSA (IPSC in the states), in Texas, and would love to take it...
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    Bringing used printer to ARG

    I opted to sell my printer in the US, thinking it’d be easier to just buy one in Argentina (it was a large multifunction, that I too was very fond of! Brother ). I looked around, and the direct replacement was quite expensive here, so I opted for a much less expensive option. However I didn’t...
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    Precaria > Pension Visa > Residence Visa?

    We’ve been bringing Blanca, our dog, for years. There’s paperwork needed to be done in the US by a vet that has the proper authority. Then send it to your states capital to get the appropriate stamp of approval. When you arrive (Only done this through EZE), you skip the long line for baggage...
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    Border Crossings In The South To Chile

    I crossed the Esquel border back in March of '07. Flew to Esquel, had an Argentine driver take me to the border, and a Chilean driver pick me up there, and spent an awesome week with the folks at , kayaking and rafting on the Futaleufú river. I believe that the roads on both sides...
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    Buying a motorbike in Buenos Aires

    I’ll second that!! I used to love to ride!! Riding in Argentina cured me of that!
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    Survey.: Best to worst airline to fly from BA to USA.

    I moved from Dallas Texas which is AA’s HQ. While living there, Delta changed their req’s for diamond and hiked the credit card spend threshold from $25k to $250k, (really griped me at the time!) so I switched over and tried to like American, I got their credit card and their frequent flyer...
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    What would you bring to Argentina with you?

    Hmm… Full disclosure, my wife does almost all of the shopping and she doesn’t like cinnamon, so, she may not be looking very hard! I will be looking into that one…
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    Situational awareness / the need of vigilance

    Thieves are by no means exclusive to Argentina! They are everywhere!! In any city in the world with a population over a million (and likely far less) there are parts of town where you can/will get in trouble quickly. We were broken into in Texas, Texas! Everyone has guns!! Anyway, on new...
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    Situational awareness / the need of vigilance

    Is it legal anywhere in Argentina?? I hail from Texas, where I always carried a gun, unless I was carrying two. Everyone I’ve talked to tells me that it’s illegal to carry. Period! I’d love to hear otherwise…
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    Situational awareness / the need of vigilance

    6’3” 250lb, blue eyes, crewcut... blending not an option…
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    Best place to buy wine?

    My favorite is a road trip to the winery/s. Take a tour, a tasting, and buy a few cases. Fun times and bring some home!! I'd love to find a good distributor, or even retailer, but even if/when I find one, I'll still be pining for a winery trip! My spanish isn't great so much is lost on me in...