Search results

  1. W

    anyone interested in theatre "off corrientes" (en español)

    Sounds good. Please provide a few more details. Cheers, RR
  2. W

    anyone interested in theatre "off corrientes" (en español)

    Give me the details, I'll be there with my girlfriend. Just what I need. Private message me. Cheers, RR
  3. W

    Oktoberfest in Cordoba

    I'm keen. As long as we at least pretend to speak Spanish. I know few details. Cheers, RR
  4. W

    Any English Bookstore

    I also find dual-language books very helpful. I found a few at Walrus, a used-bookstore that specialies in English books. Its in SanTelmo, on Estados Unidos I think. You might want to Kel as well - its new English books. They have a few stores. There is one Marcelo T Alvear and a new one in...
  5. W

    Acuvue contact lens- where to buy them?

    Well, I go to Pfortner. They have offices around BA, but the main one is on Puerydon (I know that is spelt wrong) and Juncal, more or less. They are amazing. I am sure there are cheaper places, but they actually re-examined my eyes corrected the presciption my Opthamaolgst gave me, so they...
  6. W

    Looking for a Spanish teacher in Olivos/Vicente Lopoz or nearby

    After 18 months here my Spanish is embarrassingly bad. I work in English, my girlfriend speaks English, so I get little practice and I really to start taking lessons again. Does anyone know a reputable Spanish teacher out this way (basically anywhere from Belgrano and north, but preferably...
  7. W

    New "chic" hotels in BA?

    The comments about the "how-to" questions is very real. Twice I have set friends up in apartments and they seem surprised they don't get fresh towels every morning. And they call 10 times a day: how do I use a bus/metro/menu? That sort of thing.That said, for semi-developed country, hotels are...
  8. W

    change in rental laws?

    I here about the impossability of renting apartments (by foreigners) here all the time. But in my experience (I am on my third apartment, the last two 1 year contracts) it isn't always so. Some landlords are thick headed and want to to do it the way they always did it. But in my three cases I...
  9. W

    Banking for ex-pats

    Talking about banking in Argentina reminds me of an old joke. Two Jews (or Catholics or Muslims, take your pick) are stuck on a desert island. They create three synagogues/churches/mosques. One for each of them and third that they can both boycott. It isn;t always easy banking here, although...
  10. W

    Accessing your cash in BA

    My only caution is be careful where you keep your cash. After getting mugged in the street I had my bank wire me down $5000. Banco Piano has a great service where they only charge you something like A$R20 to receive wire transfers. BUT THEN, my apartment was broken into and they got nearly all...
  11. W

    Movie rentals - classic old stuff

    I am wondering if ayone is aware of a DVD rental place in BA (either downtown or in Vicente Lopez) that has a decent collection of classic old movies. My Argentine girlfriend is a movie peasant and needs some education!!! I mean great old Hollywood movies (Brando, John Ford, Jimmy Stewart...
  12. W

    where am i supposed to pay tax?

    Well, if you do it like the Argentines, you just don't pay it!! Seriously, the government agenecy in charge of collecting taxes is called AFIP. They are the biggest nightmare of all Argetine bureaucracy. The last time I went there I had 29 (no exageration) forms that needed to be registered -...
  13. W


    To specifically answer your question, the uniforms are part of a government program to normalize the cartoneros by granting them specific territories and licenses. I am a journalist and ave doen several stories on Cartoneros and follwoed them around for a number of days. The progeam includes the...
  14. W

    Good Whiskey in Buenos Aires - Affordable?

    Two things, if you knmow some locals watch fo the seemingly infinite discounts offered by the big supermarkets, which often (though not always) apply to spirits - although would almost never carry a single malt say, you should be able to get Jack Daniels, J&B and maybe a few other obvious...
  15. W

    Picada Now?

    there is a Picado place (to go) within one block of Callao on either Arenales or Juncal. I forget the name, but it is stupid with picada in the name and try have a web site - and deliver. Sorry I wouldn't be more helpful.
  16. W

    ATM Citi Bank Florida gives problems

    I have just noticed that anelco machines neem to allow you to withdraw A$R750 each time, rather than the previous A$R300 limit. Done it several times so far. RR
  17. W

    Do fears of crime in Argentina reflect reality?

    I really thought the locals were exagerating when I first arrived (18 momths ago), but I now think otherwise. Whiloe people don;t seem to get killed or stabed here very often, crime is a real, serious problem. In just the past 12 months: -I had my wallet pick-pocketed -My apartment (in a very...
  18. W

    a mainer with a dream to live in argentina

    If you are from Maine you may want to consider living way down south, the climate may be more familiar!!! Kidding. But places like Tigre and San Isidro (just north of the city) is where most of the sailing action takes place (I race both large boats and various classes of dingies.) They are very...
  19. W

    3,2,1 - Lets Go! Considering a move to BA

    One thing to remember about BsAs is that there are few rules. I always advise, come down, get a tourist apartment for a few weeks then look around. You can get an nice apartment without a gaurantor, but it isn't always easy. I suggest you get as many reference letters from employers/bankers/etc...
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    Tax Free Shopping

    I have no experience with this, but have heard nasty stories several times from people claiming they never saw their money. Not really much of a surprise, I suppose, considering they presue they will never see you again. Good luck.