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  1. P

    Can the building decide to revoke the right to rent out apartments temporarily ?

    My property manager tells me the consorcio perhaps could revoke my right to rent my unit out short term. I am not sure what to think as he sometimes says odd things. The original documents for the condo don´t prohibit short term rentals, so in theory I should be able to. My property manager...
  2. P

    Troubles With Building Administration

    In some cases, the problem may be difficulty in finding tradespeople willing to do the job. This year, from what I´m seeing, it can take a long time to find some one. I am told workers have a social plan and many do not want to work.
  3. P

    Troubles With Building Administration

    I once had an awful flood in an apartment I owned, for years. When I saw the large amount of damage the flood was causing in my place, I had my property manager ask what the cost to repair it would be. It was not a large amount. I got the consorcio to agree to repair the flood, by offering to...
  4. P

    September 12 Primary elections coming up. You can vote with your DNI.

    Has anyone by chance heard which party would have won the most "seats" (correct term?) if yesterday´s election had been the real deal ? Thanks. I know Libertarians won the most provinces, but not Buenos Aires Province, nor city. I know those have a lot of "seats" (?) but I did not see how many.
  5. P

    Getting my money out of Argentina

    Thanks for taking time to reply ! I can relax now !
  6. P

    Getting my money out of Argentina

    Some day I would like to sell my Argentine property. I don´t live in Argentina, nor do my heirs. I hear there will likely be a problem getting my money out. Can anyone please enlighten me about this - or at least what the current situation is ? (Sorry, I searched and Googled this but could not...
  7. P

    Opening a hostel rental business

    A) This info is a few years old. Perhaps some one can say definitely what is happaning now. The hostel space itself must receive a permit to be a hostel. This seems to be possible if the rules are met, (Sorry, I don´t know details). B)The person or entity wishing to run the hostel must receive a...
  8. P

    Who are buying houses?

    s Some other cities have similar situations. In Toronto, Canada, typical mortgage payments for a stand alone house would exceed the total income of a typical household. The market is slow, prices are a bit soft, but the real estate market continues to function.
  9. P

    What would you bring to Argentina with you?

    A reputable contractor who is available to work.
  10. P

    What would you bring to Argentina with you?

    A competent, bi-lingual honest, property manager who´s a licensed salesman.
  11. P

    Dengue in the City of BA

    If I can help some one in this group, I´m happy as I´ve gotten a lot of help from you people.
  12. P

    What is more “third world” - Buenos Aires or San Francisco

    At this point in time, B Aires has over 40% living in poverty. I feel Buenos Aires is a middle class city currently in a depression
  13. P

    What is more “third world” - Buenos Aires or San Francisco

    I am calling it a tie. Both cities have many first world attributes, though it varies a lot by area. The aspect which I personally feel is 3rd world by Buenos Aires is the high level of dishonesty in business and government. Even many very affluent people chase away future business in order to...
  14. P

    Dengue in the City of BA

    I find a ceiling fan keeps mosquitoes away from me - but some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than other people are.
  15. P

    Why aren't there more expats in Uruguay?

    Uruguay is certainly safer than most of Brazil.
  16. P

    Why aren't there more expats in Uruguay?

    If you don´t mind a small city, I think Colonia is pleasant. It is also convenient to Buenos Aires.
  17. P

    Is Buenos Aires REALLY dangerous?

    I don´t know barrio cerrados, but you might ask how safe - or isolated - the area around the barrio cerrado is. After the 2002 crash, some people moved to barrio cerrados from expensive areas of Capital Federal, only to return. The problem was that some people driving out of the barrio cerrados...
  18. P

    Is Buenos Aires REALLY dangerous?

    But living close to Champagnat (large almost all male high school in Recoleta) is very safe.
  19. P

    Trouble finding contratistas / planners ?

    Thanks for that informative reply. In my case, the property manager seems good at getting intercoms, or leaky faucets, ec. fixed. It is too bad about the shortage of good contractors though.