Search results

  1. Canick

    How To Bringing In Dollars To Bs As For Possible Business

    to the best of my knowledge if you bring money in USD in to your bank account (assuming you can get one), it will be converted into pesos at the official rate. I had a bank account here when i was not a resident some years ago, but i think that has changed. the best way to maximize the USD-peso...
  2. Canick

    Free Sushi Lunch Boxes In Offices

    good luck on the new venture! and congrats to all who have commented above on their encouragement and constructive feedback. seriously- nice to see that we didn't go negative and are supporting each other!
  3. Canick

    Will Fedex Ship Electronics From Argentina To The Us?

    i would never trust that it would make it out "alive"....too many sticky fingers here. even if fedex says they would do it, i would try to find another way to send-like with someone you know going there.
  4. Canick

    Large Pet Store

    i think you mean the one on armenia y santa fe?...Botanico? it's something like that.
  5. Canick

    Here's Another Crime Story.

    glad you ok...and that you weren't home. you never know these days if they wait for you to be there, or prefer when you are not. today at my office building we had to all hand in our front door keys as they changed the locks. last night one of the tenants that shares my office building was...
  6. Canick

    Anniversary Hotel In Centre?

    Home hotel and Jardin Escondido which is Francis Ford Coppola's boutique hotel. both great locations and good value. Escondido is Gorriti and Malabia i think
  7. Canick

    K To Fine Tv Stations With Un-Dubbed Shows!

    i'm hoping the bilingual people that do the AMAZING job at translating the buenos aires herald will also do the dubbing from English back into castellano. failing that, maybe they can do subtitles in the original language after the translation so we know what the movie/tv show was really about...
  8. Canick

    Fourth Of July - Where Do Americans Go To Celebrate?

    obviously depends on your age and your tastes, but the usual expat places will be filled w peeps in their 20 & 30s: casa bar Sugar Alamo Magdelena's party
  9. Canick

    1867-2013 146 Years Happy Canada Day

    maybe this will help...
  10. Canick

    1867-2013 146 Years Happy Canada Day

    Happy Canada'eh!
  11. Canick

    Cfk, The Pope And The Letter...

    a good chuckle brought to you by CFK and the guy who writes the "friday round up." a sneak preview: "I told them “I’m not signing that”.- If this is what we’re sending him, then just keep doing what you’ve been doing until now.- So I took the liberty of...
  12. Canick


    i'll see u and Bei there. xo n
  13. Canick

    Make Up Of Our Ba Community

    Canadian from Toronto. Came here to make a movie in 2006 and stayed. Now involved in both real estate and film. FYI. Walter. when I joined i made an informal survey of BAEXPATS. this was about 2010. i only had 60 people reply, but at that time we had 42% americans, 21% UK, 15% canadians as the...
  14. Canick

    Dermatologist That You Like Who Speaks English?

    dr stengel. ba skin clinic on cordoba@ libertad. lived/worked in nyc for 12 years.
  15. Canick

    Posting Your Picture To Your Baexpats Forum Pages

    personally walter, i prefer you judge me on what I write and not what I look like. but thats just my humble opinion. and i like my silly little picture. that's why i use it. nick
  16. Canick

    Entry Question

    this is an airline thing. air canada has asked many times in check in why i didnt have a return passage. (before i had residency) it was enough for me to say, "i'm not sure of my outdate as i will be travelling all through south america and leaving argentina by bus once i'm ready to move on. But...
  17. Canick

    Made Me Laugh...

    came across this and gave me a chuckle. props to the creator whomever you may be. thought it was a good change from the "imagine how the forum members look like" thread. nick
  18. Canick

    Declaring Dollars Upon Entering Argentina

    under 10k no declaration.
  19. Canick

    How You Imagine Forum Members

    JOE ps. no horses were actually hurt in the making of this "Beating a dead horse" jpeg.
  20. Canick

    How "free" Are Expats In Argentina?

    For me Argentina is like the Wild West. Opportunity and excitement mixes perfectly within a world of corruption and lawlessness. And just like the Wild West- you never know if you're going to get shot... :P