Search results

  1. D

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    I am looking forward to seeing this film about women being prevented and criticized for playing soccer in Argentina. I think women's soccer can show the true joy of playing the game. This also seems like a great business opportunity that is being ignored by many. You couldn't pay me to go to...
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    Iphone Through Ezeiza Customs?

    I was just thinking that when you go through customs at the airport they make you put all your luggage, bags and coats though the x-ray machine but they do not require you to empty your pockets. So just keep your phone in your pocket and you will be fine.
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    Iphone Through Ezeiza Customs?

    You can make sure that you will not have an issue with bringing the Iphone back into the country by declaring it with AFIP at the airport before you leave the country. They will give you a piece of paper that will be proof that you purchased the item before you left the country. Just give...
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    Need Advise In Learning The Lingo

    I have been in Argentina for a few years and still struggle with Castellano. I have gone from intense classes to tutoring with little success. I was wondering if anyone would like to share what worked for them in learning to communicate in Castellano. I am really interested what you do to...
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    Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

    It is crazy to think that this government has so much control of the economy. Are there tourist police out there that ask you where you are from before they accept your money? Does the local hotel owner care whether you pay in cash or with a credit card? Are there going to be more tourists to...
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    Questions About Spices

    They had it in Casa Japonesa, Venezuela 2100, last month.
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    Fruit And Vegetable Seasons

    Try this. JB
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    Kindle Books To Lend

    "You can loan eligible Kindle books to a friend from the Manage Your Kindle page. During the loan period, you will not be able to read the book that you loaned. Visit Manage Your Kindle. In the Actions menu, select Loan this title. If Loan this title is not an option, lending is unavailable...
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    Kindle Books To Lend

    Amazon permits me to loan out the books that I have purchased. If anyone is interested just send me a PM. ~JB
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    Fruit And Vegetable Seasons

    Hello Can someone share with me the fruit and vegetable seasons for blueberries, cherries, asparagus and strawberries. I can not find the info searching here or Google. Thanks
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    Baby Stuff And Customs

    I seriously doubt that you will have to pay customs. I think that it will still be cheaper to bring the items (even if you have to pay customs) than if you were to buy the same items in the country. Look on MercadoLibre for the items that you want to bring and figure out how much you will...
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    No Curry Paste In Barrio Chino

    You might want to try Bodega Amparo. I do not know if they have the curry you are looking for but they have a lot of the same imports that you can find in Bario China.
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    Why Not To Buy Local! Wonder how much this would cost here?
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    Why Not To Buy Local!

    I wonder how these companies survive making inferior products at ever increasing prices. We definitely are paying Macy's prices for Dollar store quality.
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    Choosing A Phone/smartphone & Safety/theft

    It is great that you are thinking ahead about this. I have an iPhone 4 and a few cheap cell phones as back up, just make sure that they are unlocked. I know that there has been a lot of advice over the years about security of high end smart phones but it is a little exaggerated. Half the city...
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    Homebrew Equipment

    I am in the process of doing the same thing. You might want to try this place in San Isidro, They advertise having cheap starter kits and they also advertise Cooper's extracts. I have not personally been there yet but my co-worker called just a few weeks ago and...
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    Argentina’S Stockholm Syndrome

    Argentina is a one party democracy.
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    Looking for beer lovers and homebrewers

    I do not know what Cossab puts in their IPA but it is not a pleasant taste and their Scotch will have you suffering the next day. I will try the Negra next visit.
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    Help With Salary Negotiations (It)

    I am not sure of the exact percentage of taxes but it does seem to be somewhere between 20% to 25%. Someone correct me if I am wrong but there are two times during the year where I am paid my salary plus half. So that is an extra month's salary each year. I have heard that it is a law that...
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    Help With Salary Negotiations (It)

    I think that you will be offered something in the 10K pesos a month ballpark. That is considered a good salary in Buenos Aires.