Search results

  1. E


    Does anyone know the specific address of the office in BA where you would pay the 100 peso fine and validate your tourist Visa. Also do you know what information, besides the passport (and of course the money), that immigration would need in order to grant the extension.
  2. E

    need U.S. retiree or unemployed tax advice

    We are getting closer to the deadline for taxes in the U.S. and as a reflex action I almost went to make the call for the automatic extension like I did last year. Then it occurred to me that I made no income this year and have been out of the country for all but 2 weeks. From the info that I...
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    Stolen Wallet.........

    I live here as well. Actually anyone who holds a foreign passport can get the refund. All that you have to do is fill out the necessary paperwork with the merchant in question. They call it a tax voucher. When you are leaving the country you cash in the voucher and get your money back. The only...
  4. E

    what is the best way to find a job?

    Your best bet is to connect with a company from your home country and get them to transfer you here. Trying to find a job here as a foreigner with no job experience in this economic climate would be like walking around trying to be struck my lightning on a sunny day. If you do find work it...
  5. E

    Stolen Wallet.........

    I remember paying about 50 pesos in October of 2006 but I actually did it at Ezeiza. I have since renewed my Visa another time through Buquebus but I was not illegal at the time. I did get my IVA tax refund there and they have a Caja line (that is usually very long make sure that you arrive...
  6. E

    Buenos Aires crime rate

    The title of this post is Buenos Aires crime rate. To compare it to the U.S., Europe, ...etc is not the point. What I have noticed is that I have been here for more than a year now. In that time I have personally witnessed 3 petty thefts and had two close friends mugged (one in supposedly...
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    Stolen Wallet.........

    I'm no immigrations expert but while the laws here are pretty lax I think that letting your Tourist Visa lapse while you are in the process of trying to get your Resident Visa is a bit much. At the very least (if I were you) I would make the trip to Colonia, pay the fine, and get your tourist...
  8. E

    Why are Argentines so arrogant???

    Maybe that wouldn't be such an issue if they didn't have like 500 students in each class. They really need to get contol of the teacher/student ratio at UBA. But you're right those people were out of line.
  9. E

    Specialty Spanish Language Book Stores

    I am looking for places that can fill in the holes in the merchandise that I have seen in Ateneo, Cuspide, Galerna, Distal, ....etc. I like to read and I almost know the catalog to Ateneo and Cuspide by heart. I also have some smaller local favorites near my place in Palermo but I realize that...
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    Why are Argentines so arrogant???

    Some people feel that any point of view other than their own is, by definition , lacking in intelligence. Suprisingly many of them find themselves in Buenos Aires and other places around the world because their home countries won't have them. I think that a more interesting question than the one...
  11. E

    Why are Argentines so arrogant???

    To me Argentines seem to be both extremely arrogant and proud while at the same time extremely insecure. It is as if on the one hand they think that Argentina is the best country in the world, has the best food, best women, best climate...etc. but on the other hand they spend half their lives...
  12. E

    VISA problem at ATM's

    I got 1000 pesos out of a Link machine today but I will have to wait a few days to see what the damage is (charges).
  13. E

    question about rent

    This website is a great resouce for info about apartment rentals here in BA in general but it is not a place where you can find situations with roomates. Try these others. In the case of some of these links you need to register but it is free and it will be worth it. Inflation is definately...
  14. E

    Ipod issues...

    There is an APPLE store in the microcentro on Paraguay near the intersection of Paraguay and Reconquista. I don't know what they have in there though. I went in there one time to inquire about buying another battery for my laptop (I couldn't find one in 4 states back at home due to the recall)...
  15. E

    Where to shop for the freshest fish and seafood?

    Thanks for the help everyone. I'm heading out to Belgrano tommorrow. The positive of getting it there is that I can pick up some quality soy sauce and sesame oil at the same time. Now I know exactly where I'm going Thanks a million.
  16. E

    Where to shop for the freshest fish and seafood?

    Alright, I admit it. I have succumed to the histeria over Omega 3. When you live long enough you have the opportunity to see a number of health trends come and go. So far I have seen the Grapefruit Diet, the Cottage Cheese Diet, the High Carb Diet, and the Atkins Diet gain in popularity only...
  17. E

    Where is the best sushi in BA?

    I tried to access your link saltshaker but it seemed to be a dead link. I just wanted to update this thread a bit. I passed by one of the restaurants listed above in my post and I discovered that I didn't have the correct name. The name of the restaurant on the corner of Paraguay and Reconquista...
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    NYC Bagels

    Here's a news flash for you. People can actually be slim and extremely unhealthy.
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    The New Yorker

    If they don't have it at that newstand in front of the Alvear or at one of the ones on the pedestrain stretch of Florida you probably won't find it anywhere. And if you do manage to find it at either one of those places you will have to take out a loan to purchase it.
  20. E

    NYC Bagels

    I have to agree with JG on this one. The Argentine diet is healthy? Are you kidding me? When you think about a healthy diet you think about parts of Italy and Japan. You do not think about Argentina. I would like to see some stats here on the number of triple and quadruple bypasses done here due...