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  1. Pierre Smith

    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    Bajo_Cero2 - I respect you a lot, but no way that the US is anything but a godsend. By the end of this whole crazy moment, the United States will have spent 3-4 trillion dollars to stimulate its economy, which will save the world, and especially countries without the means to carry out their...
  2. Pierre Smith

    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    Why would you waste your time listening to morons on youtube?
  3. Pierre Smith

    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    The shutdowns in Europe and the US are designed to give us time to ramp up hospital treatment capacity, as much as they are to let the virus die off. But that's a luxury that we bought by - literally - hundreds of years of good governance. Human lives are all valuable, yadda yadda. But the...
  4. Pierre Smith

    Poll: Which will kill more Argentines: the COV-19 Virus or the Quarantine?

    And loads of people are dying without ever being tested, so they're not included in the official tallies. You can look at many stories about this phenomenon in Italy, where deaths are probably 3x higher than officially reported. We know that the same is taking place in China. Argentine...
  5. Pierre Smith

    Argentina Sacrifices Economy to Ward Off Virus

    Most Brazilians seem to be completely ignoring Bolsonaro.
  6. Pierre Smith

    Argentina Sacrifices Economy to Ward Off Virus

    You nuts?? Argentina will end up being out of the most hard-hit countries on earth. Absent some radical government accommodations/supports, or just a wave of landlord rent waivers (maybe supported by the government), we're going to lose tens of thousands of businesses if, like in the US...
  7. Pierre Smith

    Economic realities post-coronavirus

    I think the ultra high cost of everything in Uruguay must play some part it the downcast national mood. They've managed, by Swedish-level taxes and bureaucracy, to induce the Swedish character.
  8. Pierre Smith

    Really Nice DOG needs good home

    You killed the dog?
  9. Pierre Smith

    Highly discriminatory comments by government official

    People like this are one of the reasons why Argentina - facing a crisis like this - is worse positioned than even some African countries. In most places, including the US, this is a time of relative consensus. There will be blame to go around later, but for the most part the focus is on...
  10. Pierre Smith

    My guess, USA is on its way to lock down

    For all the different ways the US government has bungled this, markets have decided that the dollar is the best safe harbor. So, the dollar is gaining against all currencies, everything - Euro, Canada, the works. It's really good - US can reboot the world when this is over by massive stimulus...
  11. Pierre Smith

    Mujica calls Argentines “swindlers”

    High tariffs, high taxes, low competition, low entrepreneurship, low population.
  12. Pierre Smith

    Mujica calls Argentines “swindlers”

    On the question of the cost of things in Uruguay, I've often fantasized about starting a Trader Joe-style business in Montevideo and thereby becoming a nationally famous and beloved figure.
  13. Pierre Smith

    Visa/Residency advice - Student Visa, citizenship, forming a S.A.

    Based on his previous comments, if you're in BA and have a year of residence, now is the to start regardless of the two year rule: you'll get in front of the judge in a year.
  14. Pierre Smith

    Corona Virus May Hit Argentina Hard

    People need to relax. This virus will probably never hit Argentina and the death toll will likely never pass 1,000 - a totally insignificant number, relatively speaking. This ludicrous panic is 100% about people being pointlessly paranoid.
  15. Pierre Smith

    Never Give A "Gringo " an Alfajor !. Publication Went Viral.

    Generally, I think that Argentina needs a good revolution like we had in California. Cut the sweets way back from daily life, eat a lot more variety, vastly improve the Italian food (which is basically 1960s era red sauce), quintuple the volume and number of vegetables on restaurant and home...
  16. Pierre Smith

    Never Give A "Gringo " an Alfajor !. Publication Went Viral.

    I agree that dulce de leche is far too sweet for many palates, and that alfajores are borderline inedible to me personally for that very reason. Even by Argentina's cuisine standards, they're not great. Seems strange to me that anyone would care about my opinion though, or generalize about...
  17. Pierre Smith

    Rasism in Argentina

    Right, but those are not Argentines. You can tell immediately by the accent. Actual Afro-Argentines with actual Argentine heritage (or at least accents) - down in Buenos Aires, I'm not sure I've ever met one.
  18. Pierre Smith

    Rasism in Argentina

    Right, but you walk down the street in Buenos Aires and in a given day it would not be unusual not to see a single identifiably black person. Pretty much everyone is darker than I am, but essentially nobody looks black unless they're from somewhere else. But statistically, probably many of those...
  19. Pierre Smith

    Rasism in Argentina

    That's an interesting article. The story of the dilution/integration of the Afro-Argentine gene stock into the regular Argentine gene pool was wholly unknown to me. I wonder if people with this background even know about it, if it's a family secret, or what.
  20. Pierre Smith

    Importing products from America

    The only legal way to do what you're trying to is to bring the object with you in your luggage when you travel back and forth to Argentina, and then to hope that you're not hit with a duty levy. Otherwise, you're asking about criminal smuggling and tax evasion/fraud.