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  1. sesamosinsal

    The Real Macri:

    ElQueso, you're a bit of a radical on this subject -- don't take the term offensively, because that's not my intent at all. I just think it's quite obvious that on this forum you're opposed to any form of taxation and believe that everyone should pull themselves up by her/his own bootstraps...
  2. sesamosinsal

    The Real Macri:

    I agree. The government shouldn't be in the business of televising football games. What else?
  3. sesamosinsal

    The Real Macri:

    All of this talk of "free shit" -- Will someone give some concrete examples?
  4. sesamosinsal

    The Real Macri:

    This post is disingenuous. What it doesn't tell you is that TV channel TN is owned by millionaire Ernestina Herrera de Noble. A close friend of Macri. She became a multimillionaire thanks to Videla's encouragement into the media industry. So TN is basically an un official channel of the...
  5. sesamosinsal

    Charlie Rose Interview With D. Filkins On Nisman Death

    I think the Secretaria de Inteligencia and a Federal Judge (Galeano) paying off a used car dealer and lawyer to lie about what he knew regarding the bombings qualifies as quite a huge flaw...
  6. sesamosinsal

    Charlie Rose Interview With D. Filkins On Nisman Death

    Nisman said there was, and that all Iran cared about was lifting the INTERPOL Red Notices. I've stated way too many times on this forum why the government never intended to lift them unilaterally. So, if the basis for any secret deals was to lift them and there is no evidence to suggest that the...
  7. sesamosinsal

    Charlie Rose Interview With D. Filkins On Nisman Death

    As far as I know, neither of the two have said who killed Nisman. Arroyo Salgado (who he never married, by the way) has never come out and said who killed Nisman, just that someone/some group did...
  8. sesamosinsal

    Charlie Rose Interview With D. Filkins On Nisman Death

    Who, and based on what evidence?
  9. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    We agree here. There is significant corruption on all levels.
  10. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    Despite the bank issuing a statement saying that no such accounts exist, there has never been a retraction. Most serious outlets would at least put a statement below the article to mention such a serious development. If you go to the Clarín article -- which is written almost entirely using the...
  11. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    The law can be twisted to fit the needs of whoever is in power. This happens all over the world, and Argentina is no different. That doesn't make it right, but it is reality. The Ks regard the dominance of the (opposition) media as an institutional threat. It's not necessarily my opinion, but...
  12. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    To me, it's all semantics. Who cares? You wouldn't even be talking about it if Clarín didn't have a problem with it.
  13. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    Yes, it is a private company, and so what? Comcast is in bed with the Democratic party, and everyone knows it. When Cristina, Néstor and Clarín Group were all in the same bed, no one even mentioned the cadena nacional. They didn't have to because Clarín Group ran a 24/7 cadena nacional as long...
  14. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    I don't know about Cameron, but Obama has a channel. In fact, it's a 24 hour cadena nacional. It's called MSNBC. Check it out:
  15. sesamosinsal

    The Misuse Of Cadena Nacional

    Good one. :) haha
  16. sesamosinsal

    Aerolineas Cancellations

    I never said that! :)
  17. sesamosinsal

    Aerolineas Cancellations

    So, if this forum could vote, who would it be, especially now that Macri is for keeping Aerolíneas and YPF nationalized, the Universal Child Credit, and EVEN Fútbol Para Todos!? Seriously, what happened in PRO land?
  18. sesamosinsal

    Tarjeta Ba Vos

    If you have a SUBE card, then you can get similar discounts:
  19. sesamosinsal

    Recommendation For Broken Iphone Screen

    Hey everyone, Recently I dropped my iPhone and the screen shattered to bits. I know you can buy the screens/glass and fix it yourself, but it looked pretty tedious. So, I did some shopping around to see how much the replacement and labor would cost. At one place downtown, for example, they...
  20. sesamosinsal

    Import Restrictions To Be Lifted

    Printing money that goes into public circulation would certainly increase inflation, and I support such policies. Unfortunately, that isn't happening in developed countries. Money velocity in the U.S. is at historical lows: https://research.stl...ed2/series/M2V/