The Real Macri:

I don't think any politicians are good guys... It's a matter of choosing the one who is the least shit. In this case Macri is the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately too many in this country want FREE SHIT and that means they will vote for the candidate most likely to give handouts and continue anti-business policies.

Macri is undoubtedly pro-business. His own business, at least.
Someone asked about yellow bicis. I see them on balconies, chained around, everywhere, just not on the places they should be. They are free shit from macri :) If he wins, we can hope for bicicenda till ushuaia, but probably not much more. However, he would be way better option for my future welfare, but he doesn't stand a chance. Scioli will win lefthandedly...
I'm suggesting to Macri that he "ups the game" on the Free Shit, viz. Free Fugazzeta and Cerveza on Futbol Para Todos nights!
This post is disingenuous. What it doesn't tell you is that TV channel TN is owned by millionaire Ernestina Herrera de Noble.
A close friend of Macri. She became a multimillionaire thanks to Videla's encouragement into the media industry.
So TN is basically an un official channel of the neoliberal opposition in Argentina. They do a fear mongering campaign against Cristina because they want people to vote for Macri. So if you want to waste 47 minutes of your time watching this bullshit, go ahead.
But it's important to know who is behind this scam. Like everything else in this town, nothing is what is appears to be. both ways. :)

Same thing With Tiempo Argentino, Pagina 12 , Ambito, all Official media.that receive millions in funds from the Government with the difference that their readerships amounts to very little. I would be upset ALSO....hahhahahaha
All of this talk of "free shit" -- Will someone give some concrete examples?
I still do not understand why people here prefer to pay for a service, entretainment, etc and that way, enrich a private company, and not get it for free.
I still do not understand why people here prefer to pay for a service, entretainmet, etc and that way, enrich a private company, and not get it for free.

Why isn't everything free, Matías? Why can't we all drive Ferraris like soccer players do? Why does the Teatro Colón charge admission? Shouldn't there be Ópera Para Todos? Shouldn't all the cinemas offer free admission to everybody?
I still do not understand why people here prefer to pay for a service, entretainment, etc and that way, enrich a private company, and not get it for free.

It has been discussed a lot of times before, so either you are resistant to logic, have Alzheimer, or you just might not be the brightest mind...