Aerolineas Cancellations

My social network is the 'middle class' and to be honest I don't see them receiving many subsidies... About 1/10 received the Procrear out of those who applied. One runs a business with < 20 employees and pays all their taxes (including retirement etc). Most of my friends < 35 years all receive help from their parents and most can't afford to live on their own yet. A few work in the Government and the stories I hear only re-enforce my opinion about things here... Money goes missing, new employees suddenly showing up because they are X's son in law etc.
this is what we call chicana, cause one thing is to produce a good and expropiate, and other is to approach a service, subject to a mafious agreement with AFA. Your option by default is that a company should have the futbol, and not the people, as it used to be, as it must be.

The people don't have it now. The government pays many millions of dollars to *corporations* for the rights to broadcast the games. Which by the way require televisions to watch. Shouldn't the government be providing those as well?
Exactly. Cristina knows, for instance, that subsidized soccer is the optimum solution for the desperately poor Qom: http://www.theguardi...digenous-leader

The Qom and the Wichi etc would have a more effective campaign setting up shop outside the Las Malvinas 'Museum' and that see through scuplture of the Islands in Patagonia.

After all 200 000 people have already visited the museum of which 199 000 were children on obligatory school trips. The kids can tell their parents there were some funny looking dark skinned people claiming that the Republic of Argentina has a colonial past and present...perhaps even asking papa 'Es posible que ser colonialista si no ser protestante, ingles, europeo o norte americano?
Back on topic, I see the flights are back to 'normal' and the whole chaotic situation was caused by the press. Good to know.
Back on topic? We never left the topic, The topic consisting of poor management, insensitivity, denial and unaccountability....
Back on topic, I see the flights are back to 'normal' and the whole chaotic situation was caused by the press. Good to know.

Were the >200 flights that were canceled caused by the press?
Was the fact that their reservations system was still totally offline through 2 August as of last night - back online today - caused by the press?
Is the offer of 400 USD they're offering to each passenger on an overbooked flight - overbookings that Recalde states never happened - caused by the press?
Was the press not supposed to report on this cluster****? Just let it fly, you know, tranqui?

Who do you believe, Recalde and Aníbal or your own lying eyes?
The Qom and the Wichi etc would have a more effective campaign setting up shop outside the Las Malvinas 'Museum' and that see through scuplture of the Islands in Patagonia.

After all 200 000 people have already visited the museum of which 199 000 were children on obligatory school trips. The kids can tell their parents there were some funny looking dark skinned people claiming that the Republic of Argentina has a colonial past and present...perhaps even asking papa 'Es posible que ser colonialista si no ser protestante, ingles, europeo o norte americano?

The Qom and Wichi are clearly an "implanted people" - rather like the Islanders:
Interesting theory regarding the cause of the cancelations:

Ya sé! Clarin lies. Evidently so does La Nación.

Where is Buho during all this?
So, if this forum could vote, who would it be, especially now that Macri is for keeping Aerolíneas and YPF nationalized, the Universal Child Credit, and EVEN Fútbol Para Todos!?

Seriously, what happened in PRO land?
So, if this forum could vote, who would it be, especially now that Macri is for keeping Aerolíneas and YPF nationalized, the Universal Child Credit, and EVEN Fútbol Para Todos!?

Seriously, what happened in PRO land?
He's simply acknowledging that people like "Free Shit"