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  1. D

    Bank & ATM TOTAL FEE = 48 pesos ??!?!

    No, this is a debit card.
  2. D

    ATM Withdrawl Limits

    Can anyone tell me what is the bank that offers the highest ATM withdrawl limit per single transaction? For example, if my European debit card allows me to withdraw up to 2000 euros a day, and Im looking to withdraw enough to last me for the month, which ATM will allow me to take out the most in...
  3. D

    Observations Part II

    Having been here now for just about a month here's a continuation of my observations of Buenos Aires life thus far, and no I wont post anything else about 160 peso mens jackets which I havent seen anymore since, and yes, having been here longer, I agree that this must've been a fluke find on the...
  4. D

    Argentine Job Boards Like Monster?

    What are the main job search boards for professional level jobs here in Argentina? I saw that Monster isnt too strong here as it is in Europe and the States, for example. I only saw about 10 listings total on Monster. Thanks Again
  5. D

    What good is Apple Worldwide Warranty in Argentina.

    If it's under warranty, the authorized Apple place on Ayacucho claims to honour and repair items still under warranty. I have yet to need something done, however they did inform me about this when I asked.
  6. D

    iPhone from US in ARG--Will it work?

    I would bring it but be cautious about flashing it in public places casually like we do often times without thinking twice in the USA for instance. Regardless, with phone plan prices here, I doubt you will be strolling down Palermo gabbing away on it as you might do in the States. IPhones here...
  7. D

    Spanish-American Newcomer's Observations

    Yes, I dont doubt that with just 2 weeks somewhere one might have an inaccurate representation of what a place truly is and still be in the honeymoon phase, which is why I wanted people who had been here longer to see what Ive said and comment, however I honestly think my opinion will be similar...
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    Spanish-American Newcomer's Observations

    LOL I am serious about the blazer and clothing prices. Tommorrow as I walk down Santa Fe I will make sure to take note of the name of the shoppe. They seriously have items at incredible prices without being an outlet and no, they are not quotas, as I am familiar with this from Spain and am a...
  9. D

    Spanish-American Newcomer's Observations

    How so? If you dont mind me pressing, part of the reason why I was so detailed (much to the dismay of some LOL) is because that is what I'm looking for, people to compare and contrast my findings with their own experiences!
  10. D

    Spanish-American Newcomer's Observations

    haha well i am sorry for being detailed.
  11. D

    Spanish-American Newcomer's Observations

    Well, I finally did it and came down. Thus far, I must admit I am seriously loving it and wondered why the hell I stayed in Madrid (where I am originally from) for so long, and why I even bothered with making an attempt this January at living in over-priced, job-forsaken Chicago (where I...
  12. D

    Recommendations getting Iphone unlocked?

    I have 2 Iphones that I currently want to get unlocked, 1 of them for use in Buenos Aires immediately the other I might sell. 1 of them is the Iphone 4 from AT&T (USA) and the other an Iphone 3G from Movistar Spain (which is not compatible with Movistar Latin America and still needs to be...
  13. D

    Last Minute Currency Question

    So, I am finally leaving tommorrow and I have a question regarding whether or not to exchange some currency prior to leaving, or whether I should exchange at all: Should I exchange my cash in USD into AR pesos at the airport in Miami? Wait till I get to Buenos Aires? Is it still primarily only...
  14. D

    Getting Mobile Contract with Passport/Address Verified?

    Hello, I have heard conflicting information on the probability of getting a contract mobile service as an expat. Some have said it is not possible without a DNI, and someone (specifically, a friend who used to work for Movistar in Argentina) has told me that with my Spain passport and some...
  15. D

    Arrival at EZE Tax?

    In regards to the arrival tax, I have a question: I hold two passports. One from Spain, the other from the United States. I have been told that it would be more beneficial to use my Spain passport while in Argentina as opposed to my US one, because, for instance, entering as a Spaniard, I will...
  16. D

    Special ID number needed to open bank account?

    So, I am in the process of making the move over to Buenos Aires and will be looking long-term wise at the visa rentista. However, I would like to get set up with a bank account over there from day one for my everyday checking account expenses, get a debit card, and perhaps a credit or charge...
  17. D

    Seeking a room in a fun, nice flat!

    I am moving to Buenos Aires within the next week and am actively seeking a room in a nice, shared flat in hopes of being able to meet people easier than by living alone. I am a young Spanish professional and am native-fluent in both Spanish and in English (I have been studying and living in...
  18. D

    Setting up the Basics?

    I have decided to make the move down to Buenos Aires. Under the thought process that one can only regret what you don't do, and knowing that the US and Spain arent going anywhere and I can always come back to either of the two places, and also with it not being the case that I am leaving behind...
  19. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Sergio, It really depends on where in Spain he visited and what frame of mind he went with. Large cities like Madrid and Barcelona are outrageously and unrealistically expensive nowadays because from a tourism stand-point they feel like they can and should be competitive to other major...
  20. D

    Affordable Dolce Vita in Buenos Aires?

    Well, in Spain, the ¨mileurista¨ (1000 euro/month salary) epidemic among young professionals (and I am talking about new lawyers and other somewhat desirable office type jobs--and again, those who are able to FIND work in the first place--unemployment in Spain is still in the mid 20 percent...