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  1. L

    Palermo Meetup - Tonight, May 4th - AcaBar! @ 9pm

    Allan, Would have liked to have reciprocated tonight, but the new bar belongiong to the people we were out with last week opens tonight in San Telmo, and we have been invited along. Have fun, and will try and make it in the next few weeks on a Wednesday night
  2. L

    Friday Night Drinks April 29th

    As my student has cancelled her class for tonight, we will probably be there a little earlier, just in case any early birds are planning on heading out.
  3. L

    Palermo Soho

    I have to confess to my guilty secret - I love Starbucks (here at least..)... I try and avoid coffee when I am out here, but as I don't drink tea anywhere (juts have never got to like it), there are times when I get "stuck" with a local coffee - cafe negro (I don't take milk either).... Yuck...
  4. L

    Friday Night Drinks April 29th

    It's another double celebration theme for this weeks Friday Night Drinks. For those Ex-pats who hail from the British Empire, they can raise a glass to the young bride and her Prince as they tied the knot earlier this morning, over in the Mother Country. As for the rest of us, we have a...
  5. L

    Popup AFIP control booths in your neighborhood?

    Can't really answer that concerning Argentina, but if it helps, in Ireland, I have more authority (as a Revenue Official - {read AFIP]) than the police in certain matters such as these - So in Ireland, yes the Officials have the power to stop and ask these questions, and I would expect the rules...
  6. L

    Popup AFIP control booths in your neighborhood?

    Not sure about the Control Booths, but AFIP officials descended upon the school that I work at last week, and went through the books - Doing what I did in Ireland for years - an audit, both of the financials, and the employees - again, without any problems - Maybe they are just trying to get...
  7. L

    Welcome to Venezuela

    Nothing wrong with the government having representative seats on teh boards of companies it has shares in, or has bailed out. Happens in Western Democracies all the time - Take a look at Ireland - We bailed out the banks with tax payers money, and as a result we appointed people...
  8. L

    New American Breakfast Restaurant!

    That would be "Real American bacon" ? Not the proper stuff we get in Ireland :) - But the rest sounds good... Has anyone eaten there yet?
  9. L

    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    Well, I live in a house, rather than an apartment, so no porters table to worry about. I may just take a 6 months sub and see what happens first :)
  10. L

    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    Trouble is Lee, - a) - I'm an old fart and haven't worked my way up to an I-Pad or Kindle - I like to read properly with paper, and I love the feel of books too... b) - Irish Runner is still old fashioned too (like me).
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    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    I wonder if Irish Running has a following amongst my neighbours :)....
  12. L

    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    To be honest Steve, that's what I am afraid off. After my next trip home next month it will be 12 months plus before my next one, so want to set up the subscriptions as I don't want to miss out too much in the meantime - Guess it will be a case of suck it and see... Thanks for the info guys.
  13. L

    Good Friday Night Drinks - April 22nd

    Yes, it's Good Friday, and let's make it a Great Friday, with the regular weekly time to imbibe a few drinks and relax with friends to end the week, or this week to enjoy the Easter Weekend if you are staying in the Capital, instead of doing what many locals are doing and getting stuck in...
  14. L

    Exercise in BA ...without subtitles

    Check out the BA Hash House Harriers for some Social Exercise - Run and Fun...
  15. L

    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    Cheers for that - And totally agree BOD is GOD !!
  16. L

    Problems receiving Magazines on Subscription?

    Does anyone on here subscribe to any magazines by post, specifically from the UK or Ireland, successfully? I ask as I want to subscribe to a couple of magazines that way, and apart from my own experience with a US based distribution of a magazine, I am not aware of how the postal service deals...
  17. L

    BA Hash House Harriers Next Run Sunday 24th April

    My apologies for failing to post the last Hash run details, as we actually took the Hash over to Uruguay and had a run a couple of weeks ago with our sister group from Montevideo. With getting the trip organised I completely forgot to post the details of the run here - So sincere apologies...
  18. L

    Argentine guy willing to help!

    Pepperoni pizza......Yummm - Happy memories... Anyway, Marco, if you fancy meeting up with some expats from here, we are heading out tonight for a drink (after office type of thing), the post is on this forum, friday drinks - you'd be more than welcome - we can discuss pizza over a fernet and...
  19. L

    Friday Night - Lets go for a drink - April 15th

    Well Johnoo, get there early and we'll make you drink with us instead :) - Just look for the gang propping up the bar, and if in doubt, ask Big Tom behind the bar!
  20. L

    Friday Night - Lets go for a drink - April 15th

    Yes, it's coming around again, seems as if it happens every week, but Friday night is almost upon us, and the bunch of folk who like to unwind at the end of a busy week are limbering up for another round of Friday Night Drinks. This week, due to popular demand, we are heading back to Krakow Bar...