Search results

  1. L

    Bring Boat From US to Argentina

    Pal of mine sailed his boat from the UK to here, and is still here, but that probably isn't much help to you. He doesn't hang on this site, but if there are any specific questions he may be able to help - PM me if it may help.
  2. L

    Regular Friday Night Get Together - Friday 25th

    Bad news guys and gals - I Made it - I'M BACK........... see you all tonight.....
  3. L

    Next Hash Hash Run - Sunday 27th Feb

    Anyone care to lay a trail from Gatwick to Madrid, as I'm stuck in the airport at the mo - Hope I make it back in time...
  4. L

    Regular Friday Night Get Together - Friday 25th

    Still in Gatwick due to technical problems, for my flight to Madrid and onto BsAs, fingers crossed, I'll need a few Fr*nks when I get home..
  5. L

    Next Hash Hash Run - Sunday 27th Feb

    Good news folks, my jokes will be returning from their summer vacation and will be out in force on Sundays Hash House Harriers Run in wonderful Accassusuo. An easy place to get to, just hop on a train and follow the directions. The run will commence at 11:34 ;).... See below for full details...
  6. L

    New Expat Living in San Telmo-27 yr old woman-Buena onda!!

    Andrew et al - This Friday night there will be a session in San Telmo - Stay Tuned for further details
  7. L

    Change in expat attitudes?

    Well, having been away from BsAs on vacation since the middle of January, I am looking forward to coming "home" on Friday. It may not be perfect, but I like it, I have many friends in BsAs, both ex-pat and locals, and look forward to enjoying the autumn. In my opinion, nowhere is Utopia, we...
  8. L

    New Expat Living in San Telmo-27 yr old woman-Buena onda!!

    Quite agree with you there LA, it is horses for courses, and if you work in Palermo, it makes sense to live there. I was just saying its great to see people heading this way. Just as an aside, you can take the subte to Palermo from the centre for 1.10, you don't always have to rely on an...
  9. L

    Can Someone Tell Me the Good Stuff?

    Lamb = No you're not, BUT, it's always sensible to be aware of what is going on around you, whatever city, town, or village you are in, no matter what country you live in. I use the collectivoi's and the subte's, and even the main railway trains, on a regular basis, and don't "feel" threatened...
  10. L

    Hello Expats of Bs.As

    Welcome to the site Tom, and best of luck with the wedding plans. Now the question is, should we organise a Batchelor/Stag Party for you here from the ExPats :)
  11. L

    New Expat Living in San Telmo-27 yr old woman-Buena onda!!

    Hi Debby, and everyone else. Great to see people living in San Telmo, so many come here and live in the Island (Palermo), and fail to experience the wonders of places like San Telmo. As Roxanne says, there is a bunch of us who head out every Friday in the San Telmo area for drinks and...
  12. L

    Can Someone Tell Me the Good Stuff?

    Just wanted to add a Thanks for the insightful post from RPT above. I've lived in BsAs for 16 months so far, and love it, in much the way that is expressed above. There definitely is life outside of the island of Palermo, and should be explored. Without making light of the attack on ptolemy...
  13. L

    Tonight - Friday Drinks Feb 18th

    Apologies for the late announcement, but I got tied up with things. I know you will all be looking out for the post advising where the Regular Friday Night Session is to take place..... Well, seek no more, as tonight, from 8 onwards, well into the early hours, and you can drop in at any time...
  14. L

    Tech Solution to Watch Zulu, other US TV Shows

    But I want Google Ireland ;).... Seriously, great idea, I use Overplay myself, which allows me to switch IP addresses between countries, so one min I can be in Ireland, the next the US, then the UK for BBC I Player, as well as any other country I choose. To be fair, I do pay a small monthly fee...
  15. L

    Looking for a break from the city

    Check out the Friday Night Drinks weekly thread in the Expat Life part of this site. A mixed age group of ex-pats and locals meet up every Friday for a few brews from 8 onwards, until dawn usually! Tonight (Fri 18th) will be at Krakow Bar in San Telmo, at Venezuela 474, between Mexico and...
  16. L

    Friday Drinks 11th Feb

    Rick, there are pictures posted on-line of the regular Friday Night drinkers, but unfortunately I can't supply the link from here - but if you PM me, or email me at Liam3494 AT Gmail dot com, I can point you at a few pics to help you :)
  17. L

    The deal with Argentine men and their "girl" friends

    Without trying to take away the importance of the original post, as a 50 year old divorced man, I kind of like Argentina for that, far less judgemental (at that age) than in Ireland, where I have been called a cradle snatcher (13 years difference).
  18. L

    Wearing a suit to work - Is it dying a death

    There was an article on the BBC web site about the decline of the suit within the workplace, obviously with the emphasis being on the UK. But it got me thinking as to the wearing of suits here in Argentina, within work. Whilst I appreciate that most of us ex-pat types probably work in a more...
  19. L

    The deal with Argentine men and their "girl" friends

    Whilst I can't say I have come across the situations you refer to, and as a teacher of local students I can assure you THAT situation never arose, it is common and natural for Argentine women to date older men, far more so than I am familiar with in my own country. It would be interesting to...
  20. L

    Meeting Argies

    Totally agree on the language front, speaking the language obviously assists in the communication between non-native Spanish speakers and the locals. Having said that, naturally you will not become fluent overnight, and you want to meet locals now. Can I suggest that you follow the advice above...