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  1. F

    Snl On Cablevision

    Does anyone know which channel Cablevision folks can watch SNL? I think that it's on at 01:45 Sunday morning???
  2. F

    Show Me The Money

    According to today's (19 Dec) BA Herald online the exchange rates are: Official rate US$1.00 = $13.30 Arg Pesos Blue rate US$1.00 = $14.05 Arg Pesos Now what?
  3. F

    And The Winner Is.................

    Thoughts from a simple mind. I know little about Argentina politics. It is my understanding that The National Sovereignty Day holiday was originally scheduled to be celebrated on 23 November. But, because the Presidential election will take place on the 22nd, the holiday was rescheduled to...
  4. F

    Cofee Chats

    Are Coffee Chats a thing of the past?
  5. F

    Might Move To Buenos Aires! Need Some Info.

    Yes, as was said, I lived in Barcelona for 5 years, at the turn of the century. I've been back several times since. I think that Barcelona is or is close to first world. IMO BA is third world. Housing is much higher in Barcelona. It can be difficult to meet people. The friends that Barcelona...
  6. F

    Favorite Expat Destinations

    i am in Turkey, now. Last month, I visited Oslo, Norway.A can of Coke with a straw can cost US$5.00. In Riga, Latvia, a can of Coke with a straw and a meal can cost US$5.00. Best places to live IMO - Chiang Mai, Thailand, Valencia, Spain, Kula Lumpur,Malaysia, Cartagena, Colombia. And the winner...
  7. F

    Where Should We Go?

    I suggest that the 4 June Coffee Chat be held at Café Violeta Rivadavia 3899, at the Castro-Barros "A" line station. While this place might not meet with the criteria that I mentioned, the place is magnificent and it's surely worth visiting.
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    Financial Question

    Is it possible for someone to open a bank account in BA?. The account would only be used as a debit account to pay utility bills. I do not have a DNI. If there is a bank that meets my needs, the location doesn't really matter. I have a bicycle and can travel.
  9. F

    Where Should We Go?

    It seems that Coffee Chat, that fantastic Thursday afternoon group of expats and their admirers is in a rut. In the past, our feared and fearless leader. GMXam led us to great coffee shops all around the town and beyond. Now we seem to be left high and dry. (We all hope that GMXam is high and...
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    Senior Expats And Taxes

    Doesn't he pay "ABL" or isn't he able?
  11. F

    Tv Question

    I'm wondering if we get The David Letterman Show" in BA? I (almost) never watch tv, but since tonight is his last show, I think that it might be fun to watch. If we get it here, what time and channel? I have Cablevision.
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    Here We Go , Again

    I just read that there will be a general strike on 9 June.
  13. F

    Coffee Chat Thursday 21 May 1600-1900(4-7Pm)

    Gee, I always thought that you were an honest guy. Now, you're saying that you're a liar ?????
  14. F

    What Did I Find?

    Yesterday, 10/05, while peddling my bicycle around Palermo Someplace, I came upon a fast food take out - take away joint. It was at the corner of (Jose A) Cabrera y Malabria. There didn't seem to be a name of the place on the outside and I didn't see a menu. There was no seating; interior o...
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    Where To Buy Socks?

    Why don't you dye or have your white socks dyed black?
  16. F

    Attention European Travellers

    There is an article on Prague, CR on the front page of today's (10/05) La Nacion travel section. "E"
  17. F

    Coffee Chat May 14, 4-7Pm Belgrano

    The official name of this joint is "Manhattan Club Grand Café". Please do not confuse this place with the "Manhattan Club (Not So) Grand Café.
  18. F

    Coffee Chat,thursday,may 7 In San Telmo.

    C ya tomorrow
  19. F

    Argie Tourist Rush To Europe . Weak Euro..!! & 12 Cuotas

    I'm leaving BA on 11 June and returning 12 July. Going to Stockholm, Oslo, Riga, Vilnius, Izmir, Cesme, Istanbul and N.Y.