Search results

  1. E

    Where to buy souvenirs?

    Interesting choice of words considering you are talking about La Boca's safety. ;)
  2. E

    Look on the bright side!

    Or so we'd like to think . . . ;)
  3. E

    Jury Duty Summons?

    With your summons, you should have also received contact information for the clerk of court. People try/need to get out of jury duty all of the time, so there will be somebody there who can answer your questions. You may have already called, seeing as your date has been postponed. Anyway...
  4. E

    Arriving soon

    If that's what he's doing then he's already tried Afghanistan, Albania and Angola. Argentina has to be an improvement, right?
  5. E

    Wallabies rugby at Sugar?

    Assuming you are talking abut the Rugby World Cup, good luck. Below is the list of group stage matches in local time. Pool A 09/09 - 05:30 New Zealand - Tonga 10/09 - 03:00 France - Japan 14/09 - 02:00 Tonga - Canada 16/09 - 05:00 New Zealand - Japan 18/09 - 05:30 France - Canada 21/09 -...
  6. E

    Benny Hill

    Why discuss?
  7. E

    Expat Meetup Saturday August 6th!

    I'm in. I'll even bring a bottle opener. Because you never know . . .
  8. E

    Hard time making real friends

    I've been going to Spanglish the past few weeks and I really enjoy it. I think it's possible to make friends there as well. Friday, after Spanglish, a bunch of us went out afterwards for some pizza and I met and hung out with some cool locals. I usually go on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays...
  9. E

    In need of a Printer

    I'm not looking for anything fancy or complex. I just need something to print from my MacBook that is fairly easy to maintain. I've seen some things in the local stores that will fit the bill but I thought I'd check to see if somebody had some "best" place to look (other than mercado libre) or...
  10. E

    Cheese & Charger?

    It's great stuff on a cheesesteak. Can't say that I have too much use for it other than that.
  11. E

    Cheese & Charger?

    I saw cheeze whiz the other day at the Carrefour on Santa Fe at Ayacucho (?). I think it's between Riobamba and Ayacucho. Anyway, it's next to McDonald's on Santa Fe in that general area.
  12. E

    Poker Night?

    I prefer the rebuy to be something less than a full stack. Three reasons come to mind: 1) A rebuy for a full stack puts the person rebuying in the same position as somebody who is treading water. I think there should be some penalty for being knocked out earlier (on top of the money for the...
  13. E

    Tour de France

    It's on ESPN now and it says that it's live. (I don't follow it so it could be prior coverage for all I know.)
  14. E

    Poker Night?

    And the day negotiations begin . . . Unless the day changes to Tuesday or Friday, consider me in.
  15. E

    Poker Night?

    The time and place work for me. I'm in.
  16. E

    Expat meet up Friday July 22nd!!

    I should be able to make it. The empanadas on the website look AMAZING.
  17. E

    Poker Night?

    I'm cool with the format. One question - is it a single opportunity to rebuy within 90 minutes or unlimited rebuys for 90 minutes? (Personally, I prefer the single rebuy opportunity, but I'm flexible.)
  18. E

    Poker Night?

    Time permitting, I'd be in for this as well. I have nothing to contribute but poor poker play since I didn't bring my chips to Argentina.
  19. E

    Spicy food in BA

    I read on a couple of blogs about Ya Ya Bean's La Boca Roja hot sauce so I went down to San Telmo on Sunday and bought a bottle. It's not tongue-melting hot, but it has got some kick to it and it's quite tasty. Also, it's made with love. (Seriously. It's included in the list of ingredients.)
  20. E

    tattoos and piercings

    Yeah, I suppose a Latin-speaking artist would be too much to ask for. ;)