Poker Night?


May 14, 2010
I saw a post few months back about an informal poker night. I'd like to play if anyone knows of a friendly game going on or wants to see if we can get a group together.
I am always game. We had a few games; yeah about a month ago but they have slowly died out with loss of money and busy schedules. However, if you put something together I will be there!

I am in as well! Now that I think of it. I can host but I don't have any chips so if we get interest, I have enough room for about 7-8 people. In Recoleta!
Time permitting, I'd be in for this as well. I have nothing to contribute but poor poker play since I didn't bring my chips to Argentina.
we got the interest Just need chips! I don't feel like using 10 centavo coins :)
I am thinking 50 pesos buyin???? No Limit Tournament structure. Something like 120 chips in play + option to rebuy (if you get knocked out) for 25 pesos for 60 chips within 1.5 hours of tournament start time? Not sure about exchange rate for everyone and how it affects all, more than willing to change buyin, obv. Consensus wins! Sent PM to member with chips, awaiting reply!
OHH, AND I DO have chips!! Sorry, Joe. And I like the tournament rules Magis.
I'm cool with the format. One question - is it a single opportunity to rebuy within 90 minutes or unlimited rebuys for 90 minutes? (Personally, I prefer the single rebuy opportunity, but I'm flexible.)
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