Poker Night?

Awesome. We have chips! Now date/time:
Thinking next Thursday night?? Cards fly at 9??
How does this work for people??
Empshel said:
I'm cool with the format. One question - is it a single opportunity to rebuy within 90 minutes or unlimited rebuys for 90 minutes? (Personally, I prefer the single rebuy opportunity, but I'm flexible.)

Yes, one single rebuy.

Wine & Dulce de Leche (straight from La Rural), etc will be had!

I'll pm address, etc when people confirm if Thursday, July 28 9pm is good
And the day negotiations begin . . .

Unless the day changes to Tuesday or Friday, consider me in.
Magis said:
Day Change to:
Wednesday??? Cards Fly at 9pm???

You rock! --even though I hate tournament style cause I can't play that way :)
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