Search results

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    Swimming with baby

    i do not have an answer but i am curious to know where can you take your baby swimming? i have a 5 1/2 month old that i would love to get in the water as well. do you know of baby swimming lessons here in BA?
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    Residency/Visa Agencies?

    i am about to start the process of getting my residency here in argentina. i had a baby here 5 months ago. does any one know an agency who can handle all the paper work and save me several headaches? i only know of ARCA. i am looking for another option. thanks!
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    do you have his information? if so can you please message me? i had my baby last month and i need a dr. thank you....
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    public pool

    nevermind, i found the thread someone already posted about this a few months ago. thanks!
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    public pool

    does any one know if there is a public pool in the city or even a hotel that allows non-guests to use the pool for a small fee or for free?
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    moses basket for baby

    does anyone know where i can buy one with a mattress and bumper? just the basket & inside extras, i am not looking for the stand to go with it.
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    Looking for a Housekeeper/Nanny

    i am looking for the same thing. please let me know if you find someone. thanks!
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    can anyone recommend a pediatrician who is with medicus and can also speak english? i am going to have my baby in about a month and i think it's time to find a doctor. thanks!
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    whole turkey

    THANKS SOOO MUCH for this info. i called, ordered my turkey and within 2 hours it was at my door. an 8 kilo turkey cost me about $120 pesos. not bad. can't wait to roast it tomorrow! thanks again!
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    things inexperienced Americans can cook

    fantastic!! MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!
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    things inexperienced Americans can cook

    awesome! do you happen to have the address? i am in belgrano so i'm sure it's not too far from me. THANK YOU!
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    things inexperienced Americans can cook

    turkey? tell me where you buy turkey! i need one for the holiday :D
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    whole turkey

    hi! does anyone know where i can find a whole turkey bird? i haven't seen them in the markets - coto or disco. i am trying to get all my fixin's for my thanksgiving dinner this weekend and the turkey is the only thing missing. help! :eek:;)
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    laptop ´TAX´ at ezeiza?! BEWARE

    we've flown into EZE 4 times in the past 10 months from the US and every time we have had sooo much stuff.. 2 laptops, 2 ipods, an iphone, and ton of expensive professional camera equipment. this last time we had 9 pieces of luggage and nothing was even checked. 4 of the pieces were big babies...
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    pregnancy massage

    anyone one know a place that specializes in it?
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    Need help

    tedder- i have medicus private healthcare. my hubby & i got it right when we got here earlier this year. they're great. the rep even came to our house to have us fill out the forms and go over the plan with us. we only pay about $300 pesos a month each person. i am currently 8 months pregnant...
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    i've seen cranberry juice at disco several times. it's like US$5 for a little 12oz bottle.
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    fantastic! thank you, i will be sure to let you know if i see them.
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    does anyone know where i might be able to buy fresh whole cranberries or even those in a can??
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    new from los angeles

    hey keri, i was telling sergio (my hubby) about you guys and yes we'd love to meet. not sure where to go but i def want to watch the election footage. where are you guys thinking about going to? let me know and we're most likely up for it!