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  1. J

    Girl's Meet-up this Sunday

    Hi jicassochica San Telmo is much easier for me thanks! I look forward to meeting all of you / the lesbians / the travestis or anybody else that decides to come along!
  2. J

    Ciudad del Este?

    I was in Ciudad del Este last year whilst I was visiting Iguazu falls. I was with another English girl, a dutch girl and an Argentine girl. We got a taxi from the Foz de Iguazu at which point the taxi driver told us to take any rings, watches off....the usual - and that it was very dangerous...
  3. J

    Girl's Meet-up this Sunday

    Hi Im running late and as I have to take 2 collectivos Ill never make it on time! Please can the next one be a bit more central for all those who don't live in Palermo? I apreciate today is different as the cafe chosen was last minute due to the other being closed! Hope you had a good...
  4. J

    Girl's Meet-up this Sunday

    Hi Looking forward to meeting you all on Sunday!
  5. J

    Wanting 2 make some GFs 2

    Hi Guys The cold won out in the end but please post when and where for the next one!
  6. J

    Wanting 2 make some GFs 2

    Hi Guys I do hope to be there if I can shake this cold off!!
  7. J

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    Hi Next time you meet up ill definetly come along, I logged on too late for Abasto. Please post again the next time you plan something. Joanne
  8. J

    Yoga Teacher

    Hi The yoga instructor at the South American explorers club house does home is her web page joey
  9. J

    One way ticket from Scotland

    Then I guess its who you are lucky enough to deal with at the check in desk, my flight was overbooked so maybe they were looking for any excuse to get rid of passengers. But on another forum BANewcommers a guy had problems with a one way ticket, again not here but at the check in desk side.
  10. J

    One way ticket from Scotland

    Hi Mel I think it depend who you fly with as regards to your one way ticket. Last year I flew with British Airways from Heathrom on a rtw ticket, and as the ticket for the Argetina part was over 3 months in length (Lon-Bs As Feb & Bs As - Aukland July). British airways nearly did not let me...
  11. J

    Book Swap

    Hi Anyone interested in an English language book swap? I have several books that I have bought whilst I have been here and would love to swap them for others?
  12. J

    Traveling around Argentina

    Hi Dan Yes you are right thanks!! The agency obviously was trying to rip us off...but as its -degrees in Santa Cruz I think Ill leave it for the summer and when the penguins return.
  13. J

    Traveling around Argentina

    Hi Dan I tried the website today and it would not give me prices in pesos!! Do you have residency?
  14. J

    Traveling around Argentina

    Hi PK Yes sometimes 2 or 3 x more..depending and I dont know on what. My boyfriend flew home to Santa Cruz and the reason I did not accompany him was because it was 3 x the price for me, plus I did not fancy 36 hours on a bus!! If you are in an agency they will ask to see ID if you want...
  15. J

    Traveling around Argentina

    Hi PK Yes sometimes 2 or 3 x more..depending and I dont know on what. My boyfriend flew home to Santa Cruz and the reason I did not accompany him was because it was 3 x the price for me, plus I did not fancy 36 hours on a bus!! If you are in an agency they will ask to see ID if you want...
  16. J

    Re: These prices are killing me - 2

    Hi PK Glad you are not put off!! Yes Argentina may have some problems but as you said so has everywhere else just different ones. As many people love living here as dont!!
  17. J

    wanting to make some girl friends.....

    Hi Little late for the Abasto meeting but next time I would love to join. Im 31 and from England living with my Argentine boyfriend. I have been living here for 5 months which is great but I also need to meet my own friends too. Let me know for the next time. Joanne
  18. J

    Traveling around Argentina

    Yes you do get charged more if you are a tourist, unless you flew into Argentina with Aerolineas Argentinas, where you get some sort of discount...Im not exactly sure how much. Last year I used the coaches to get around and never had any problems. Seat were cama and you get fed and...
  19. J

    Looking for friends

    Hi...Im not exactly what you are looking for either (not American) but English. I have been living here with my Argenitne boyfreind for 5 months and was concentrating on Spanish for those first 5 so now trying to meet some expats too. I live in Cabillito you can email me on [email protected]