Search results

  1. N

    Kos Samos Lesbos Overwhelmed By Migrants From M.e.

    Spare a thought for the poor Lesbians.
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    Getting Usd Out Of Uk Atms?

    Can you get USD from ATMs in Italy? I don't think so. The Uruguay example is an exception, not the rule. And no, ATMs in London do not dispense USD.
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    Purchasing Terreno From Argentines Living In Spain

    Hire a lawyer (or more). You have a lot of money at stake and this is complicated enough that you need professional advice rather than comments on an internet forum.
  4. N

    Lufthansa Group To Add Fee For Travel Booking Sites

    If you're "booking" through Expedia and others you're doing it wrong anyway. I search for flights on, which links me directly to the relevant airline's website, where I buy the ticket.
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    Social Security Checks

    Are you new here? What you described is impossible in Argentina.
  6. N

    Sepp Blatter Resigns As Fifa President.

    An indictment is probably in the offing.
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    Study: Which Nationality Is Most Likely To Steal From Hotels

    leslie23: of course it did. I don't endorse the results or methodology. Just giving people something to talk about. Unless you prefer to argue about alcohol and religion.
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    Study: Which Nationality Is Most Likely To Steal From Hotels

    sleslie23: that's from 2013. The 2015 poll says otherwise. Colombians are the most honest now.
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    Study: Which Nationality Is Most Likely To Steal From Hotels

    You guessed it (or maybe not): Argentinians, with 73% admitting to taking items (not including toiletries) from rooms. I can't link, but google the thread title.
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    Teaching English Without Experience

    You're 18 years old. At this stage of your life, you have much more to learn than to teach. Get an education, then we can talk about teaching jobs.
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    Travel Agency Recommendations?

    STI is such an unfortunate name, though.
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    Que Suerte!

    Steve: you got it, that was an Austin Powers reference. I don't hate Texans. It's sarcasm, people!
  13. N

    Que Suerte!

    Dealing with immigration matters in Argentina is swift and virtually pain free? That's not what I gather from reading this site. As for the article you linked to, you (and the hapless reporter who cut and pasted from the plaintiff lawyers' press release) seem to believe that allegations in a...
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    Fifa Arrests

    Note that the biggest bribes are alleged to have come from governments eager to host events. This scandal doesn't exactly make governments look good.
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    Assistant To Ceo (Part-Time) (Remote) $10 Usd / Hour

    Ceviche: as long as her duties don't include posting here on your behalf, because that would triple her workload :)
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    Assistant To Ceo (Part-Time) (Remote) $10 Usd / Hour

    Steve: it's conceivable that the OP is also paid a pittance to post ads like this and that his job description doesn't include walking the extra mile to answer questions.
  17. N

    My Visit To Buenos Aires

    Happy Lady: no, in most large cities in the US crime has gone down significantly in the last three decades. And New York is the poster child for that. Yes, bad things can happen anywhere. But that's not a great insight, is it? The real question is: how has Buenos Aires managed to become less...
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    Without Argentina

  19. N

    Without Argentina

    And wait till Uruguay joins the Visa Waiver Program while Argentines wait in line for hours in front of the US Embassy. That will help put things in perspective.
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    Assistant To Ceo (Part-Time) (Remote) $10 Usd / Hour

    His job offer is not ridiculous. His man cleavage, on the other hand...