Kos Samos Lesbos Overwhelmed By Migrants From M.e.

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
For all you Greek Island Lovers , bad news thousands of illegal immigrants flood the small resorts, Trip Advisor suggests going elsewhere...!!

Same thing happens today with Milan and Rome train stations transformed in Red Cross camps for refugees . Germany closed the borders to Migrants until Monday...!!

UN Warns Greek Islands of Kos, Lesbos Overwhelmed by Migrants - Breitbart


And what about the poor immigrants?
Surely their needs should be taken into account.

Sure the UN should turn all the Greek tourist resorts in KOS, and Lesbos, into housing for Syrian migrants, which will be pretty empty because tourists are choosing other resorts. The Islanders are not that happy may be a lost season, they only have 3 months of business..!!
I read somewhere, a few years ago, that the number 1 problem in the islands of Greece is a steady decrease in population. They are basically dying away. People young enough to have a hope in the future are moving to the mainland cities. I can understand that a half dead Somali from a boat is not quite the same as a German tourist with a generous holiday budget, but, if I were close to extinction...
Spare a thought for the poor Lesbians.

A Poem by Sapho a Lesbian poet 600 B.C.


[size="-1"]Come back to me, Gongyla, here tonight,
You, my rose, with your Lydian lyre.
There hovers forever around you delight:
A beauty desired.

[size="-1"]Even your garment plunders my eyes.
I am enchanted: I who once
Complained to the Cyprus-born goddess,
Whom I now beseech

[size="-1"]Never to let this lose me grace
But rather bring you back to me:
Amongst all mortal women the one
I most wish to see.

--Translated by Paul Roche
So as per Rich Man,

The refugees should continue being tortured and raped in their home country lest the touristic spots in Europe do not lose their natural ambience!

Hope some one will pick-up the glove.. :rolleyes:
Same thing happens today with Milan and Rome train stations transformed in Red Cross camps for refugees . Germany closed the borders to Migrants until Monday...!!

Yesterday I was reading on the new paper that Milan Centrale railways station has been the (abusive) campsite for about 300 refugees in the last days. The article also stated that in the last 2 months they health authority reported 108 cases of scabies and 3 of malary. I was there the day before!

Anyway the news that shocked me most was the following one: the day before ao 9.30PM, a group of 4 guys from a gang from El Salvador beat the train conductor who asked them to show their ticket... then one of them (19 y.o.) used a machete to cut his arm off!!! Another train conductor off service tried to help the colleague and was beaten, too.
Incredibly they were able to reattach the severed arm, but I wonder why I feel unsafe in Buenos Aires where here things are like these!

My plane is due in two weeks, thanks God!