Search results

  1. jantango

    Time's Person of the Year interview

    Here’s What Else Trump Told TIME Magazine in His Person of the Year Interview Donald Trump’s Person of the Year interview covered a wide range of subjects and issues, including January 6th, immigration, grocery prices, foreign policy, abortion, and more. During the conversation, the...
  2. jantango

    Let the property buyer beware

    I rented a unit for three years before the owner decided to sell it. I decided to buy the unit in 2005. I went into the process blind. I obtained a CDI and transferred payment from my US bank to hers. She asked if she could reduce the purchase price represented in the title. I had no...
  3. jantango

    New Proof That Watergate Was a Scam

    Geoff Shepard has written three books and has created a documentary Watergate Secrets and Betrayals. “If the public knew then what I know now, what is unassailable, factual material, Nixon wouldn’t have had to resign, and his people wouldn’t have been convicted,” Shepard told Fox News Digital.
  4. jantango

    Riding the subte without paying

    I have witnessed people jumping the turnstiles and walking through the door for the handicapped. One guy said, it costs too much. This means lost revenue for service and price increases. My mouth dropped when I saw the fare increase to 650 pesos. I found this video about the same situation...
  5. jantango

    The Power of 3

    Paid for by American Values ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
  6. jantango

    Recycling tips

    Although the city of Buenos Aires began encouraging recycling when Mauricio Macri was mayor, the current situation leaves lots of room for improvement. Let's see if Jorge Macri will do anything when he takes over. I learned more about recycling from the attached article and wanted to share it.
  7. jantango

    Cafe Vinilo

    I have never been to Cafe Vinilo in Palermo, but I recently discovered they relocated to an old house in San Cristobal, three blocks from where I live. I learned about the classical music series through the Musica Clasica Magazine agenda. I went to investigate the new venue, but I couldn't...
  8. jantango

    Sound of Freedom

    Movie about child trafficking now in BA theaters in English with Spanish subtitles and also Spanish. The movie is being shown at movie theaters in Buenos Aires...
  9. jantango

    Cruelty to horses in Argentina for cheap port

    Syntex extracts blood from pregnant mares to get the hormone PMSG for pigs abroad.
  10. jantango

    CABA eliminated the tax on credit cards

    As of 9/3/2023 we eliminated the tax on credit cards. Beginning in April you will no longer see it in your card statement. If it continues to appear, contact your bank or contact the Consumer Defense.
  11. jantango

    Oscars 2023 tonight 20 hs

    Let's keep our fingers crossed for ARGENTINA, 1985 to win BEST FOREIGN FILM. They say it will be online.
  12. jantango

    Energy tips during the heatwave

    From Edesur The heat is still present and these days we make more use of appliances to cool the home. But keep in mind that this can have an impact on your electricity bill. We give you some tips and information to be more efficient and make responsible use of energy. The air always at 24° It...
  13. jantango

    Facade cleaning service by the City

    Hello! Did you know that the City has a service to recover fronts that were painted with graffiti? If the façade of your house was vandalized, you can ask for it to be cleaned with a hydro-wash and to paint the fronts. Enter your request
  14. jantango

    Subte tarifario

    El nuevo tarifario de Subte En la actualidad, el viaje en subte tiene un costo de $ 42 y $ 15 en el Premetro. De acuerdo con un comunicado de la empresa, en la actualización del tarifario se propondrá en cuatro tramos: marzo, mayo, junio y septiembre, y se mantendrán los viajes gratis para...
  15. jantango

    Fiesta Retro tonight in Palermo

    If you're old enough to remember the great dance music of the 60s, 70s, and 80s in the US, then you want to attend Fiesta Retro. WHEN: Friday, February 10 (tonight) at 7:30pm until ? WHERE: Museum Sivori inside Parque Palermo (Rosedal), Av. Sarmiento Music provided by DJs for our dancing...
  16. jantango

    Julian Assange

  17. jantango

    MercadoLibre identity validation

    I ran into a problem a few months ago when I tried to buy a quantity of tango LPs for a friend. MercadoLibre would not allow the purchase after years of using my account. They wanted me to prove my identity by using the computer camera to take a photo. No matter what I did, it didn't work...
  18. jantango

    3K run this Saturday in Rosedal

    Sign up: (limited to 600) Saturday at 10am (rain date August 27)
  19. jantango

    Telefonica/Movistar rate increase

    In case you haven't read the fine print on your phone bill this month, this is the announcement pertaining to your home phone and internet service. Te informamos que los precios se incrementarán hasta un 18,9 % a partir del 15/8.
  20. jantango

    The Dirty War in Argentina 1976-1983

    My favorite American journalist Chris Hedges interviewed Robert Cox who was the editor/publisher of the Buenos Aires Herald during the Dirty War. Cox shares first hand experiences during the podcast that give a clear understanding of how life was during the dictatorship when so many were...