Search results

  1. L

    Australian Looking For Work

    Hi all, I am trying all avenues to look for work. I have previously advertised on here looking for work as a carer. I did find a job looking after a elderly lady but the job was only two weeks. If you know someone or a family that requires some assistance for a loved one, weather it be a...
  2. L

    Anyone Have Experience Using An Apostille Service?

    not sure if it will help you, I am going through the process of my residency here and I had to have my Australian Police Check Apostillado at the Australian Embassy.
  3. L

    Carta De Ciudadania For The Spouse Of Native Arg Citizen

    I am in no way an expert on the matter, however I have met a lady here who's father is Argentinean and who has lived most of her life in Europe and recently the Dominican Republic. She came here three - four months ago, applied her her citizenship and was granted within 30 days.
  4. L

    Drinking Tap Water

    i drink the tap water here, i live in San Telmo, the quality is good, however I am in a new apartment so the pipes are good. Not too sure about the piping in the older places, i would assume that could make a difference to the quality too
  5. L

    New Girl From Australia

    HI Lotti, nice to meet you. I love coffee dates, also, if you are free on Sunday a group of very lovely girls from all over are getting together at 2pm in Palermo for the Venezuela Festival its on Goritti. we all know each other from social media. If you want to can whatsapp me 11 6230 6755
  6. L

    Hotcross Buns?

    Aww man i would have loved hot cross buns on Easter morning, not a thing here unfortunately
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    New Girl From Australia

    Hi Mark, I am from the Gold Coast. Yeah, I like it, still getting used to it.
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    Disability Care

    I am currently going through the application for residency.
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    Disability Care

    I have been in Buenos Aires now for 8 weeks, I moved here to be with my Arg boy friend. I am from Queensland, Australia, nice to meet you all! In December 2015 I completed a Certificate III in Disability Care through TAFE Queensland Gold Coast ( My qualifications...
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    Disability Carer Looking For Work

    Hi Tilda, thanks for the tip. I am currently going through the motions of getting residency.
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    New Girl From Australia

    Hi everyone, I'm Leah from Quuensland Australia, been in BA for almost two months now. Hello :)
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    I love cracker barrel cheese, i saw this for sale i think at Ichiban in Barrio Chino
  13. L

    Super Healthy Breakfast Anyone?

    I sometimes make for breakfast smashed avocado, cracked pepper and fresh squeezed lemon on toast. Also I make a simple fruit salad, although fruit contains sugar. Breakfast muffins too, but savory, full of vegetables.
  14. L

    Super Healthy Breakfast Anyone?

    I sometimes make for breakfast smashed avocado, cracked pepper and fresh squeezed lemon on toast. Also I make a simple fruit salad, although fruit contains sugar. Breakfast muffins too, but savory, full of vegetables.
  15. L

    Disability Carer Looking For Work

    Hi everyone I am new to this sight, I have been in Buenos Aires now for 7 weeks, I moved here to be with my Arg boy friend. I am from Queensland, Australia, nice to meet you all! In December 2015 I completed a Certificate III in Disability Care through TAFE Queensland Gold Coast...