Search results

  1. M

    English Teachers - Need Your Input

    Hey BA English Teachers! I'm looking for recommendations of English Schools in Buenos Aires. Are there any good schools/institutes that you would recommend to potential teachers? Are there any that would you tell people to avoid? Is working for an institute/school the best option for...
  2. M

    Experiences in Plastic Surgery in Buenos Aires?

    Hey BAExpats, I'm working on an article about the plastic surgery phenomenon in Buenos Aires. If you have had some work done here or have strong opinions on the subject (either way) and would like to contribute and discuss, I am looking to interview people. If you are a man who has had butt...
  3. M

    Need Advice - rent in dollars

    My roommate and I are in the middle of a truly Argentine experience and looking for advice from seasoned expats. We signed an apartment 1 year lease with price fixed in dollars, and we were clear when we signed the contract that although the price would be fixed in dollars, we earn and live in...
  4. M

    Looking for Apt! Please help!

    Hello Everyone! I am currently searching for a new apartment and having a very difficult time! I am looking for an unfurnished 1 bedroom or studio apartment in Recoleta or Barrio Norte for between 1300 - 1700 PESOS per month. I do not have a garantia. I am a very responsible renter, looking...
  5. M

    Who wants an iphone?!

    I am selling my unlocked US, 1st generation iphone - 8g. It comes with a protective cover. It's fully functional and you can use it with the cell provider of your choice, or even a pre-paid plan. $300 USD. If you really want it but can't afford that, make me an offer. email me at...
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    Any Willamette Grads in BA?

    The beautiful PacNW is not very well represented. Are there any Portlanders or Willamette grads around? Could be fun to have a meet up!
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    Help with Wordpress and HTML

    Hi Everyone! This isn't so much of a BA question - but I'm a BA wordpress blogger and I am having the hardest time with using HTML links on my page. Does anyone have any experience with this and the patience to explain it to a html inept blogger? I would be more grateful then you can imagine...
  8. M

    Can Someone Please Tell Me....

    What that big Bolivian parade on Avenida de Mayo today (saturday the 16th) was about? I'm very curious. I ran into it on accident, but had a good time.
  9. M

    Medical Help Porfavor?

    Hello, I've been in BA 10 months and have been suffering some miserable gastro-intestinal problems my entire stay. I've been to the hospital twice, but I've been offered no real solutions. Can anyone recommend a gastroenterologist in Buenos Aires? I don't care about the price - I just want to...
  10. M

    Is anyone else a mistreated English teacher?

    I've been teaching English for a few months now, and I have to say - it really sucks some days! Always running around from location to location, last minute cancellations, institutes underpaying you... I work tons and make no money. Does anyone else teach English and hate it? Or even better...