I have an acquaitance here who believes he could make a fortune in either the UK or Ireland selling the locals fucking sandwiches de miga. I asked him, that since we were perfectly capable of making our own cheese and ham sandwiches with industrial wallpaper quality ingredients what he thought his angle would be...how come they'd sell?
It's the bread apparently, what we're missing over there is really thin bread to wrap around the ham and cheese that my wee dog turns it's nose up at.
The dairy monopoly and the low quality ham monopoly have a lot to answer for here, unless you spend money the quality is really appalling. Sticking a pineapple or a stale olive soaked in months old brine in a sandwich does not suddenly make it interesting. I really really hate the bland "sweet and savoury" offering here, it's most satanic form is the dreaded pionono. Utter slop. Fit for the livestock.
Note, there is lots of good cheese and ham in the country, but you have to pay through the nose and it won't be in most of the supermarkets. Best cheese I had was from Merlot, San Juan. Bought from the side of the road, you have to keep it wrapped in clean film as the oily goodness seaps out of it, but the taste...marvellous. Somehow it has come to pass that if you want decent ham and cheese you need to stop by the side of the road (san pedro in la provincia is a good bet) to buy it.