13 Years Too Late


Sep 18, 2009
So it's taken all this time to bring to trial those responsible for the deaths of protesters in 2001.
De la Rua has immunity and the maximum any of the defendants can expect is five years, if indeed they ever receive that or even serve those five years.
I was thinking of this yesterday having watched the events unfold in Ukraine.
Furthermore, the trial is expected to last two years.
Slap em all in front of a jury of the people and watch them squirm is how I would handle it.
As for DLR, he's just one of many who got away with it and will continue to get away with it.
Imagine if you will, that CFK is charged sometime after 2015. By 2025 she'll get a smacked wrist if we're lucky.
Gives a whole new meaning to 'closing ranks'.

Ref: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1666783-comienza-hoy-el-juicio-por-las-muertes-de-diciembre-de-2001
Glad that finally the highest boss at least won't sleep well 'cause he'll be worried about this. And CFK...I wonder if she ever is confronted with reality.
What about the many Americans shot up in Wash. DC by Grl Mc Arthur during the FDR aministracion?
They were WWI vets asking for their bonuses to be cashed in advance only. Was he prosecuted? NOOOOO
And the theads here in 2001 started AFTER DLR quit, not before
Frenando de la Duda was, to my eyes, simply a hapless incompetent, incapable of repression in his own right.
I think the fact that almost every one of Argentina's presidents for the last seventy years has been indicted for some crime committed in office is a big contributor to the 'smash and grab' attitude that new presidents adopt.