15 Reason To Hate (Er,... I Could Do Without ) Ba Living...

Wow ,It sure sounds pretty miserable living in the city.Can't understand why ya'll don't move away and find a better place.After all you made the move of thousands of miles from home ,what's a couple hundred miles more?Argentina is not just Buenos Aires, plenty of room for everyone as soon as you are 100 miles from that putrid word you describe.From what i 've seen every metropolitan area in the Americas(never been to Europe nor i want to)is pretty much the same.Move away and quit whining.Your pioneer spirit brought you this far,If you are gonna wait for things to change in Buenos Aires you might be in for a long wait,I don't believe anyone came here at gun point,we came here on our own free will,find your destiny somewhere else if you are so unhappy.One thing is for sure i wouldn't go back to Oakland area if my life depended on it! ;)

Oakland is a great place to live, though it has risky neighborhoods (as does Bs As, though GBA's suburbs are the dodgiest).
Ha, ha, ha. Firestone is an example of correct Argentine pronunciation. No fiarstone, but firestone...
Gross. Just amazingly gross. You, not the trannies. Lost in BA indeed. There are trannies, hookers, and coke dealers (and also tranny hooker coke dealers) in every big city in the world. If you can't handle it, go back to small town life.
So there you are with the cute read head thinking you'll get lucky for sure...
Then as you're making out on the sofa you gently caress her hair and you realize it's a wig.
And when the wig comes off you realize you were kissing & making out with a bold headed dude !!! :eek:


So what would you do ??? Call the cops or reach for the Louisville slugger...
He blames his mother & his wife...
Louisville slugger??? mmm dunno a little to kinky for my liking
15 reason to hate (er,... I could do without ) BA living...

1. Soccer hooligans.

2. Uncollected garbage that piles up on the sidewalk.

3. Air polluting & noisy cars, buses, motorcycles.

4. Bus drivers who intentionally avoid picking up passengers. WUWT ???

5. Broken sidewalks that make you trip & send you flying through the air.

6. Stray dogs. I love dogs & all animals. But too many strays on the street.

7. People who cut off traffic to make a political point.

8. Subway that closes from 11 PM. to 5 AM.

9. Corrupt, manipulative & greedy Politicians & Union leaders.

10. Scam artist, fraudsters & thiefs. They should be considered a national "treasure" .

11. Grafitti "artist" who deface architecture treasures with their spray paint.

12. Having to miss-pronounce English words so the locals can understand ... Router ?... Rooter!, Giga ?... Geega !

13. Men who dress up as women. !!! OMG !!! They're a plague !!! Actually I feel sorry for them.

14. Apartment owners who have no qualms about punching out huge holes to put in an AC unit in Beaux Arts / Art Nouveau buildings.

15. Irresponsible parents who send their young children to beg in restaurants & trains. Shame on them !!!.

All in all I'm very happy living in BA. No doubt about it, I'm staying. I love it !!!. But these are the things I could do without.
Cheers !!!

Haven't seen any hooligans yet. Reminds me of when I was in the UK from what I've heard though.

2-12 generally agree. Really hate the dogs and the dog shit problem. Outside of Capital Federal is pretty bad too. I was up in the North and dead dogs on the side of the highway are like mile markers, they're everywhere, and annoying live ones that dig through the trash inside of towns and cities.

As for 13, Sure is trans/queer/homophobic in here...

One of the things I don't miss about Canada/USA is the open/flat out unabashed hating of queer people. Bs As is pretty queer friendly which I love.

Now, for the begging/selling stuff on the SUBTE, that's a problem in even developed countries and in Europe/North America. It's also a failure of society for not being able to provide for citizens, whether it's food, money, a good job, etc. Believe it or not, people don't like to be poor and don't choose to be poor either.
Buenos Aires's greatest shortcoming is the near absence of baseball.
Argentina is a European country. They do European things. Even won a World Cup, once...well sort of. Hand O god and all. But in the end baseball is even dying in the US.
Argentina is a European country. They do European things. Even won a World Cup, once...well sort of. Hand O god and all. But in the end baseball is even dying in the US.

Argentina is NOT a European country. It is a New World immigrant country. Baseball is flourishing in the US, and even more so in much of Latin America, not to mention Australia (which will host its first major league games next year) and parts of Asia. It is growing even in Europe, and I might add that since last year, the first two Brazilian players have reached the major leagues, but Argentina lags far behind its larger neighbor in many other things as well.