15 Reason To Hate (Er,... I Could Do Without ) Ba Living...

Hold on...no trash talking about transvestites? you mean the same ones who sell cocaine, often hassle runners in the evening and poop and throw used condoms all over the place in Bosque de Palermo? The only nice thing I can say about them is thank god they're not yet using heroin or there would be used needles all over the place. These people are the lowest of the low. They have no respect for anyone, least of all themselves.

Gross. Just amazingly gross. You, not the trannies. Lost in BA indeed. There are trannies, hookers, and coke dealers (and also tranny hooker coke dealers) in every big city in the world. If you can't handle it, go back to small town life.
For all of Buenos Aires's aggravations - after about three months the bronca sets in - when I'm not in the city, I miss it, as I am doing now.
Wow ,It sure sounds pretty miserable living in the city.Can't understand why ya'll don't move away and find a better place.After all you made the move of thousands of miles from home ,what's a couple hundred miles more?Argentina is not just Buenos Aires, plenty of room for everyone as soon as you are 100 miles from that putrid word you describe.From what i 've seen every metropolitan area in the Americas(never been to Europe nor i want to)is pretty much the same.Move away and quit whining.Your pioneer spirit brought you this far,If you are gonna wait for things to change in Buenos Aires you might be in for a long wait,I don't believe anyone came here at gun point,we came here on our own free will,find your destiny somewhere else if you are so unhappy.One thing is for sure i wouldn't go back to Oakland area if my life depended on it! ;)
From what i 've seen every metropolitan area in the Americas(never been to Europe nor i want to)


It was not my intention to offend European people by expressing that never felt the need to go to Europe,but it is quite impressive and quick how you would go out of your way to ridicule Americans.Coming from a superior being like yourself (assuming you are European)it take that as a compliment
ajoknoblauch-san, in Oakland? I thought your nest is/was in Berkeley CA? How come you are not posting anymore in Chile expat blogs anymore?

I haven't lived in Berkeley for 20-plus years, but I'm only about a mile outside its southern city limits.