19 Year Old Bilingual, What Kind Of Job/salary Can I Expect?

The salary WITHOUT tips for a waiter (or bartender) working at a full service restaurant (or bar) fully in white is now over $7000 pesos.

Wow - that's crazy. Now I need to go browse around salaries to see what prof level employees are making now.
I don't know if a reataurant or confiteria would hire someone with a student visa that's not legally allowed to work, especially when they can hire a local and pay them the same amount but with leas legal problems and risks involved. You can teach English without a visa but there are already many TOEFL teachers here and you can't make a living teaching English.
people here are just trying to hit you with the facts and for you to understand it will not be easy....since you say you speak castellano and you are here to study... do you have family ties to argentina?? you already have the studying figured out?
jobs here are so often about who you know with also a but of luck......
you might be able to find a under the table job in an "expat" tourist type bar or restaurant... it is not impossible... especially with the english & spanish....but will you make enough to live here... maybe not.... with inflation and the increases across the board... it will be hard and money will be tight... but at 19 a trip- an adventure if you have some money saved to come down and visit and see what you can find.... do it..... at 19 you dont regret travel and trying something new, Just know that it might not be easy- have a back up plan and jobs especially good jobs are very hard to find here especially if you dont have a work visa..... good luck to you!!!
Talking of crazy salaries, I read that the people who work in the toll booths are earning around 15k per month. WTF?
What about French?

At my employer that gives you an extra $500 or so a month, needless to say
it's enough to live on here, but you're cutting it close budget wise every month.

Unless you're coming here exclusively for school AND you have a money coming
in from the USA (mom/dad/loans/savings/etc) don't waste your time, things are
too unstable here to spend time trying to study while working 45 hours a week.

I thought I could do both but realized I had to work in order to pay all the bills so
I gave up on studying formally and just plan to leave eventually when I have enough
cash and try to enjoy traveling in Arge a bit when I can.
Talking of crazy salaries, I read that the people who work in the toll booths are earning around 15k per month. WTF?

Also has to do with unions.... garbage men make somewhere around 12K I heard... they also work damn hard but are unionized so that helps.
I didn't say I have no experience, I've had many regular jobs here, I have experience in the film industry too.
Ok. So I don't necessarily need the DNI to get a job right away. A student visa will be ok temporarily at least. Right?
A temporary resident visa is the first step to obtain a permanent resiedency visa after 3 yearly renewals. A student visa is something else, can you work on a student visa .. legally don't think so! Hopefully your experience is applicable is recognized an applicable here. Good luck.
I wouldn't come down here to study unless I had money saved up, or money coming in from somewhere. Listen to what you're hearing - this is not an easy thing to do for people just living on a salary here, much less studying as well. Even if you get into UBA and don't have to pay tuition - it's still not free - there are costs involved.

As ARBound said, you will spend your time trying to survive and will have little or no time for studying. You could get extremely lucky, but lottery winners are lucky too - I, personally, have never won the lottery.

You could survive on around $8K pesos a month, but no matter what you do for that money you'll work hard for it (well, there is one job in particular that many women could do here, and pays a lot more with a lot less work, and it's 100% legal, though with certainly a bigger "gross" factor, but I don't think you'd want that). And there won't be much time left for studying - and put work and study together and forget a personal life with friends. I know people who make around $7-8K a month. They work their ever-lovin' asses off.
And there won't be much time left for studying - and put work and study together and forget a personal life with friends. I know people who make around $7-8K a month. They work their ever-lovin' asses off.

This is me, early 20's, 45 hours a week at work, and 30 mins in to work, 40 mins out, all for $700-$800/month.
I've accepted this is how it is for the next little while and in turn save some cash (which only happens when you
get your 13th month of pay, the aguinaldo or union sell-out bonus of $1.2K) to leave Arge eventually to my next
adventure (much, much, much wiser and less naive) and use the vacation time I earn to take super cheap trips
to the cool/interesting sights in Argentina, which, even though I don't like Argentina as many know, I will of course
say is a beautiful country.

Long story short, as I've and others have said, unless you want to go to school for free here only to work like you
would in the States to pay for it then look for another country, even if LatAm, one that isn't in a slow economic
death spiral.