200 Cuban Doctors arriving to Help with Corona Virus Crisis

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Letter from a Cuban doctor: "We are formed on an empty stomach" https://www.asere.com/carta-de-una-doctora-cubana-nos-formamos-con-el-estomago-vacio/
Among many other examples of the sacrifice of health professionals in Cuba, the Cuban doctor demanded respect for her colleagues, because that is what inspires her for facing COVID-19.
In addition, he recognized the missions in indigenous communities, where they had to adapt to other languages and raised the flag of other countries where the population asked for more Cuban doctors to tears and applause.
"I am proud of those who have faced Ebola in Africa and I am proud of all those who are scattered throughout the world distributing warm medicine, which touches the patient and is not thinking about how much the insurance will pay him if he sends analyzes that the patient does not need ”.
He replied bluntly to the Italian publication: "If Italy markets with dictators, then pay the high price they set because saying that it pays Cuban doctors is a lie."
He asserted that Italy does not have the money to pay the sacrifice and value it takes to leave the family and the like to walk with a white coat to a possible suicide.
"For those who say that the Cuban doctor is poorly trained, I will answer them," she concluded.
Show respect for those willing to face death on others, not their countrymen's, behalf.
This is what Cuba excels in: simple basic medicine. That's why Cuba has the same life expectancy as the US despite having a fraction of the resources to invest in its health system. This is good: accept the help.
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